Jet 2 Aircraft Makes an Emergency Landing in Budapest

Jet2.jpgIt is a situation that may be among a pilot’s worst nightmare, the need to drop altitude rapidly, thousands of feet per second.

Passengers on board flight 908LS spoke of audible screams from horrified passengers as the Boeing 757 dropped from 35,000 feet very quickly and painfully for those on the flight.

The flight left Ben-Gurion International Airport on Thursday (August 6th), heading to Manchester, but was compelled to make an unscheduled landing in Budapest.

One passenger explains that the pilot explained he was dropping altitude quickly due to a situation regarding internal cabin pressure. Baruch Hashem, the flight managed to touch down without injuries to passenger and crew, but many passengers were more than a bit shaken up. Air traffic investigators from Hungary and the UK were dispatched to the airport to investigate. Another plane arrived on Friday to take the passengers to Manchester.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. mark: the plane was a 737-800 (not a 757), I watched it come in on thursday afternoon.

    by the way, its thousands of feet per minute… not per second.

  2. Mark dear

    is it really al that important to you exactly which picture is being shown, the point is it is a JET2, less important to the majority of us is if it is a 757, 248 or 936.

    thank you YWN for bringing us a great website with all the news that is important to us.

  3. 2, the story said it was a 757. I learned from Obama’s speeches that “words mean things” and since the article said it was a 57 but the pic was of a 37, I was confused. I am glad to hear they may have posted the correct pic but had the model number wrong in the story.

    3, Hershel, I never saw a 248 or a 936! Have you seen them? What do they look like? I always thought 248 was the area code for Oakland County, MI which contains most if not all of the frum community in the Detroit area. 936 on the other hand is the area code for a nice chunk of Texas north and northeast of Houston.

    I am so happy the 2 of you responded like you did.

  4. thank g-d that everything worked out for everyone on board . that is what is most important here , not about the picture of the plane or what plane it is .

  5. tzvideer— it is important to have a story be accurate , you may know know the difference between a 757 or a 747 but alot of people do, btw I agree YW does a great job.

  6. #4. I agree words mean things.

    Nowhere in the story does it refer to the plane in question as a 57 and the last I checked the pic was of airplane, not the number 37. Just like I was not confused and I understood what you were very ineptly attempting to say, you were not confused about the story either.

    please take due care in the future to get you argument properly presented and be exceedingly careful with what you are trying say – especially when righteously pointing out the errors of others!

  7. my appologies to Yechiel Spira…

    it WAS a 757-200.

    The airplane was upgraded using 737-800 winglets (which increase fuel efficiency).

    I saw the plane land thu my rear-view mirror so assumed it was a 737-800.

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