1 Hour Left!

pr 2[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] It’s Monday, 12:30 pm, with only three hours left for Tov V’chesed’s Charidy.com campaign. In an enormous show of support, Tov V’chesed passed their original goal early morning. Now they’re aiming to reach 1.25 million before their time is up!

“Not many people knew about Tov V’chesed, so when we set our goal, I wanted something within reason. But when we saw how people care so much, we realized that we can help so much more,” Rabbi Yaakov Eliezer Shisha, the founder explained.

There is only 1 and a half hours to go, but thousands to be helped. These children are depending on those last few hours to change the fate of their life. Will you be there for them?

Go to charidy.com/tv or call 845-517-0656 to donate now and your donation will be matched by three generous donors! Every dollar counts. Every minute counts. Every child counts.

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