Day 200: Obama’s Approval Rating Drops on Health Care, Economy Concerns

ob.jpgPresident Barack Obama’s approval rating is falling amid concerns about the U.S. economy and his push to revamp the U.S. health-care system, a Quinnipiac University poll shows.

Exactly half of the registered voters surveyed from July 27 to Aug. 3 by Quinnipiac said they approve of the job Obama is doing, compared with 42 percent who disapprove. That’s down from 57 percent approval and 33 percent disapproval in a poll taken in late June, according to results released today.

Americans are upset about rising unemployment and worried that health-care plans making their way through Congress will add to the U.S. budget deficit, said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Hamden, Connecticut-based polling institute. The combination has helped drive down the president’s ratings.

A “willingness to give him the benefit of the doubt is, among some voters, evaporating,” Brown told reporters in Washington yesterday.

The poll found that voters disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy by 49 percent to 45 percent. On his effort to overhaul of the health-care system, 52 percent disapprove of his handling of the issue while 39 percent approve.

Only foreign policy offered a bright spot: 52 percent of poll respondents approved of his job on this front, compared with 38 percent who disapproved.

Quinnipiac took the poll in the middle of a controversy over Obama’s remarks about the arrest of Harvard University scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. Gates, who is black, was arrested on a disorderly conduct charge after a confrontation at his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with a white police officer.

Obama, asked about the incident during a July 22 news conference, said police “acted stupidly” in making the arrest. In the poll, voters by 49 percent to 33 percent said Obama acted “stupidly” when he waded into the matter. Even so, 55 percent said they approved of the way Obama is handling race relations.

The poll surveyed 2,409 registered voters nationwide and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

(Source: Bloomberg News)

10 Responses

  1. Another one who is full of hot air and doing his own agenda, like Bush/Cheney.

    How come help to the rich (bailouts to the tune of millions for any given individual) did not take forever to initiate; but helping those without medical coverage (who are legal citizens) get a doctor appointment, seems to take forever to hammer out the details?

  2. When one has made himself an enemy of Am Yisrael, (as haman’s wife told haman…) it is only a matter of time until he falls. Obama has already begun his fall.

  3. It doesn’t make a bit of difference either way (except for the odd elections held this fall in New Jersey and Virginia) until November 2010. If the economy is improved, and major disasters avoided overseas and in dealing with health care, the Democrats will win, and if not, the Republicans will probably have enough strength to block all legislation in the Congress (the “math” makes it unlikely for the Republicans to retake the Senate until 2012 at the earliest).

  4. #5, with all due respect, Karl Marx deserves more credit. To keep the matter simple, Mr. Marx felt workers (proletariat) should not be exploited by owners (bourgeoisie), as they were and still are, and workers should own a piece of the action of what toil in.

    Obama has taken from the proletariat to bail out the bourgeoisie. Ironically, Mr. Marx and true conservatives would not approve of the bail-outs; certainly not since the recipients were management and the cause of the problem.

    The accusation that Obama is a Marxist is not fair to Marx, or an entirely accurate association. Not that I am or am not a Marxist, but too much of our collective culture is reactionary without really defining the terms.

  5. “2.not enough %% to put him in his place”

    Did you mean to put him OUT of place? We have to bear with him for 3.5 more yrs.

  6. Number 5 you are wrong not a marxist but a fascist a dictator. don’t cross his path. May he have a swift ending to his rein of terror

  7. veryinteresting, in last months Communist Party of America newsletter, the editor pointed out that Obama exemplifies the ideal Marxist. Need I say more?

  8. veryinteresting,

    Are you having a problem making a dr appointment? Imagine what it will be like after ObamaCare is CH”V upon us?!!

    I hope you arent too old because today an Obamaite was talking that Euthanasia would be in the plan. For all you libs out there “Euthanasia” doesnt refer to a youngster in Russia!

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