Out Of The Mailbag – Trouble Getting Into London Girls Schools?

yw_story_logo.jpgDear YWN, 

It is now August, with only three weeks left to the start of the school year. As first-time parents we should be preparing for this new milestone in our lives. Instead we continue to follow all leads, by all means possible, to secure a school in London for our daughter.

There are a number of girls left without a school for this coming September. Precious neshamos who are not yet able to prepare for this exciting new event that will transform their lives. Instead of learning Aleph-Beis and middos that can only be gained in a classroom environment, my child will have to play at home alone for an entire year.

Yet there is a SIMPLE solution. If each school would take upon itself to accept TWO pupils then ALL these girls would have a school to attend. Two students – is Jewish education not important enough to the kehillah???

This situation is definitely NOT the dream of Sarah Schneirer. And when my child asks me in three weeks time why they can’t be going to school with their friends, dear askonim, please tell me what to reply; that 10cms of floor space is more important to the governors than the future of two Jewish children??!

A very anguished parent in London.

15 Responses

  1. The Gedolim in E”Y have already ruled in similar situations (in Lakewood & in some places in E”Y): CLOSE ALL SCHOOLS UNTIL EACH AND EVERY CHILD HAS A PROPER PLACE IN A SCHOOL.

    The same ruling should be applied in this case and in every single similar one. The menahalim of the schools have to know that it is NOT their private turf to “hire & fire” as they like, all the more so since they are greatly dependant on public donations. Every single Jewish child is a precious neshama, and deserves the same opportunity as all others for a Yeshiva/ Bais Yaakov education. The “mosdos” who want to keep an “elitist” entry list have no place in our system. They sow sinas chinam & “gaavas chinam” in our children. They deserve to be ostracized and banned.

    There definitely is a place for rules of what comes in and goes on in the home of every school student, and any parents who don’t abide by these rules deserve that their children be banned from the school. But any parents who ARE WILLING to accept and follow all the school rules must be allowed in, REGARDLESS OF SCHLOASTIC OR INTELLINGENCE ABILITIES OF THE CHILD.

  2. As a ex londoner I totally feel for you, I now live in New York and I also had a hard time getting my dear little girl into a school. There should be a group of Askonim just for getting our children into schools.

  3. This happens in every city in the month before school, and is resolved in time. Don’t expect an article published in Heshvan about involuntary homeschooling.

    We could work out a more organized system, but we tend to dislike such “totalitarian” structures.

  4. You don’t say whether the school you want is State-aided. If it is, there are rules governing the amount of space a child needs. Exceed it, & the school can be shut down.

    My guess is the same rules apply to all authorized schools (although I may be wrong.) Tell you what…I’ll speak to my sister for some advice, she’s a Principal in a London day school, although you won’t want to send your daughter to her school…it’s co-ed & some kids aren’t Shomer Shabbos.

    So you need to approach the Rabbonim & take it up with them. Instead of crying to us & feeling sorry for yourself, fight! Demand a solution! Do something! We can only sympathize, we can’t help you in the US. Get in touch with Lord Sacks, Rabbi Dunner, Rabbi Pinter…they have the influence.

    Good luck!

  5. Here we go AGAIN! Dont the schools get it! This goes on every year at this time. Cant they just figure out a system? Why mame so many Yiddeshe Mames cry themselves to sleep every night till they get the final acceptance! Remember we are all Yidden Benei avrohom Yizchok Viyakov. Hitler Yimach Shemo didnt discriminate if you were Jewish. Why are we?

  6. Now that you wrote a letter to Yeshivaworld your daughters will get into school? Call your rabbi, posting your tzurus on the internet doesnt accomplish anything other than kvetching.

  7. move to cleveland, we have 2 great schools and they would both take your children happily. doesn’t matter what TYPE you are …

  8. No parent should send their daughter to school if one of their friends is sitting at home.
    This should be given very high priority and more schools should be opened if no space is the problem.
    First it was Israel ( and Rav Eliashiv Shlita felt that this was big enough to get involved), then it was Lakewood and Rav Matisyahu Solomon got involved.
    The Rabbonim need to get involved in London too and do something ( which I am sure they are doing).

  9. I understand and empathise with you. I presume your talking about NW London.

    I have girls in BY, and have spoken to governers about this. Beis Yaakov feel the reponsibility as the Kehillas oldest and largest girls school to sort out this problem. They tried to make the school 3 form entry but got into trouble over this a few years ago as they haven’t got the space. (The class currently going into Year 2 were being schooled elswhere for some months because of this). They then actively went and set up an alternative school on their own site, but a lack of uptake from parents closed this down. BY are happy to and will take the maximum they are allowed by the state. The governers and Vaad Hachinuch have tried to negotiate each year with other schools to make sure all girls have a place.

    Unfortunatly, other, private schools, do not have the same attitude as BY. They were not set up as Kehilla schools, but as elite schools for particular parts of the community.

    What needs to be done is one of two options. Either a new school needs to be set up or we need to find new premises for BY so that it can become three form entry. I suspect that both might have to be the case as the Kehilla B’H grows.

  10. How can this situation be allowed and accepted!!

    I dont understand why the local rabbonim cant put more pressure on the local governors! Why should any frum parents have to deal with this pathetic and embarrasing situation!

    This is such a chillul h” – it shows that listening to the council etc is more important than the torah education of our girls in the London kehilla – how embarrasing!

  11. If I can be of any help please call me on 07866 362575. If you are family D. I am already trying to help via your parents in Manchester. Please call as I feel for you

  12. -Unfortunatly, other, private schools, do not have the same attitude as BY. They were not set up as Kehilla schools, but as elite schools for particular parts of the community.

    Not everyone can afford private schools especially in the current economic climate.

  13. A study was made that because of the high growth rate of families, B”H, in about 10 years every single school in the USA will need to be doubled. Different areas will start to become a frum neighborhood and some areas will see their population declining. So we can’t automatically just double the schools but we can see where the need is at this point. If community schools are lacking space for many children, then it is likely that this will continue and grow throughout the coming years.
    Some areas are feeling the crunch now. Why wont they start building? At least set up a plan now, even if the area is missing the funds during the economic recession.

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