Obama’s Personal Doctor Speaks Against Health Plan

ohc3.jpgPresident Obama’s very own doctor thinks his proposed health care reform pushing government-run insurance is “a bad program,” according to media reports.

Dr. David Scheiner, Obama’s personal physician for 22 years when the then-senator lived in Illinois, told the Chicago Tribune, “I don’t think it’s what he feels in his heart is necessary. I think it’s what he feels politically is the best way.”

The 70-year-old doctor based in the Chicago area is an advocate of single-payer health care systems — through which a single entity, like the federal government, pays fees to hospitals and doctors.

He said he is troubled the president has consulted with private industry executives more than primary care physicians and has not talked more about the benefits of single-payer coverage, according to CBS News.

2 Responses

  1. Obama’s politically best way is nothing short of another federal power grab. This president will not rest until we are living in an enormous nanny state, with Wash. DC controlling every aspect of the economy and citizens’ lives. Yet the dolts who elected him are perfectly OK with this. Where did these people come from, and how can American get rid of them? Converting them is out of the question.

  2. Hmmmm. Pass a law to take lots of money away from working people and give it to big business health insurance companies and overpaid doctors.

    Just the kind of thing Obama likes…kind of like the trillion dollar bailout of his buddies who were losing their shirts in the financial crash–by giving them all the money of the working class.

    He’s a big business, big money, good buddy president–on your cheshbon.

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