Miami Beach Stages Mock Terror Attack Drill At Yeshiva

taa.jpgMiami Beach appeared to have a disaster on its hands Wednesday, but it was just a drill: The city’s police and fire departments, as well as Mount Sinai Medical Center, were testing their response to a mock terrorist attack.

The drill was part of a regional exercise called Operation Cassandra, which tests other South Florida departments with similar scenarios.

Miami Beach police said the following areas were affected:

• Hebrew Academy, 2400 Pinetree Dr.

• Fana Holtz High School, 2425 Pinetree Dr.

• 2400 block of Pinetree Drive.

• 2400 block of Flamingo Place.

• 24th Place and 25th Street between Pinetree Drive and Flamingo Drive.

Residents in the affected areas are required to present identification to access their homes. Parents were allowed to drop off their children at the Miami Beach Scott Rakow Youth Center, according to a police statement.

The Hebrew Academy and Fana Holtz High School were closed. Police said no students were involved in the mock attack.

(Source: Miami Herald / YWN-018 / YWN-113)

3 Responses

  1. every yeshiva and day school should have these drills, they are no less important then fire drills and chalila as likly

  2. Although, I am sure this makes a catchy headline, the Hebrew Academy by no stretch of the imagination is considered a Yeshiva. It also is not in session now, making this pointless. It is nice that the city had the drill however, but no yeshivos to my knowledge were involved.

  3. to jl #2, First of all that is an inappropriate comment. Even if it was a reform or conservative Jewish shcool I would want them safe. Secondly, I graduated from the Hebrew Academy of MB and highly insulted of what you assume. Presently I am in a “yeshiva” in Nassau county which is considered “black hat” to the standards of the community. As #1 says, it is important to have those drills. I’m sorry that you feel otherwise because the Hebrew Academy is “by no stretch of the imagination considered a yeshiva”.
    (Unless you are looking for a shidduch for your daughter, don’t openly judge the students that come out of a particular school/yeshiva).

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