Bloomberg Campaign Responds To Thompson’s Attacks

blo41.jpgBloomberg campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson today issued the following statement:

“Bill Thompson’s recent attacks on Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s education accomplishments make an examination of the Comptroller’s own record that much more important.

“In fact, voters interested in how a Thompson administration would administer the schools need only look at Mr. Thompson’s record when he ran the City’s Board of Education for clues.

“So, here are the facts: When Mr. Thompson ran the old Board of Education most test scores declined or were flat. Dropout rates went up four points and graduation rates showed little improvement.  Pervasive violence in our schools prevented children from learning.  Billions in cost overruns were rampant and shoddy accounting even failed to accurately count the number of students in the system.

“Despite this poor record, Mr. Thompson insisted on politics as usual, opposing Mayoral Control and failing to end social promotion.  In short, Mr. Thompson had ample opportunity to improve and reform a dysfunctional system, and he failed to do so.

“Now, contrast Mr. Thompson’s record with Mayor Bloomberg’s.  Test scores are at an all time high as New York City students are making greater gains than students in the rest of the state.  Graduation rates are up fifteen points. The dropout rate is down almost seven points.  Violence is down and schools are safer. And the achievement gap between white students and African-Americans and Latinos is narrowing dramatically on test scores and graduation rates.

“The contrast couldn’t be clearer.  When Mr. Thompson ran the old Board of Education our schools were failing.  Under Mayor Bloomberg, schools are turning around and making real progress.  And those are the facts.”

Mr. Thompson served as President of the Board of Education from 1996 to 2001.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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