Schumer Introduces Texting Ban For Transit Drivers

ywtext5.jpgSenator Charles Schumer unveiled a bill Sunday to ban train conductors and bus drivers from texting on the job.

His bill would bar electronic devices inside any public or private vehicle.

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority already has rules preventing drivers from texting but Schumer said they do not go far enough.

“Our rules will be tougher and stronger. The MTA has a ban but our rule will have higher fines and penalties, require the driver education and the hotline will be available to make sure this isn’t happening despite the MTA’s rules,” said Schumer. “And then there are no rules for operators of school buses, commuter buses that are run by private companies.”

Schumer said recent deadly mass transit accidents in Boston and Los Angeles prompted the legislation.

In both incidents, operators texted on their cell phones while driving.

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. Texting should be banned, period. It has been shown to be deadly to masses of neshamos all over the world, not just in Boston and Los Angeles.

  2. Actually the Congress has no authority to enact such a ban. At most, all a Federal law can do is offer to cut off Federal aid to systems who don’t follow the policy. Traffic regulation is is a “state” matter. Since Mr. Schumer is a well education lawyer, he knows that. Thus this “bill” should be understood as a bit of public relations rather than as something to be taken seriously.

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