Higher Bail For Orthodox Jews Arrested in ‘Big Rig’ Bust

fbib1.jpgCourt appearances continued Friday in a wide-ranging corruption probe that has netted 44 people in New York and New Jersey, including several elected officials and religious leaders.

Bail was set much higher for many others facing money laundering charges after prosecutors argued that the mostly orthodox Jewish defendants were flight risks, citing their strong ties to Israel.

The judge also ordered several of them to wear electronic monitoring devices.

(Source: Asbury Park Press)

5 Responses

  1. That is a ridiculous argument. The Frum Jews are no question more of a flight risk because in this case they were the ones who supplied the money therefore making it easier to run away. In addition they look at Israel as more of a possibility because of the close relationship between Israel and American Jews.

  2. Israel and the U>S> don’t have extradition treaty
    in civil[money] matters.
    thats why the US will want a higher bail on Jews
    who could run to Israel

  3. they said the same thing by Madoff. It’s troubling though…..this means that just by virtue of being a Jew you are considered a high flight risk due to the Law of Return.

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