Oorah BoyZone & GirlZone Camps Giving Away Ski Equipment

ski.jpgThis Sunday, you can get free ski equipment at Scotch Valley, courtesy of Oorah BoyZone and GirlZone camps. The organization recently purchased the Scotch Valley Ski Area on Rt. 10, between Stamford and Jefferson, which will be home to a new summer camp in 2010. In so doing, they came into possession of a large amount of skis, boots and poles, which they are offering free to area residents in the spirit of generosity.

“If we’re able to open up again to skiers, we will have new, state-of-the-art equipment for them,” said organization spokesman Cliff Meth. “We came into an abundance of older equipment and realized we could sell it on Ebay or elsewhere but thought that it would make a nice gift to our new neighbors, who we know are eager to see skiing return to the area.”

Oorah opened its first summer camps in Gilboa, NY, in 2007 and built a beautiful facility for its campers. While the new grounds in Scotch Valley will be preserved for their natural beauty, the newest facilities for children’s camping needs will also be added.

“We’re looking forward to skiing our new mountain as much as the residents of Scotch Valley,” said Meth. “And we’re only too happy to give away this equipment to area residents as a way of saying hello—we’re glad to be here with you.”

The free equipment will be available this Sunday, July 26, starting at noon until it is all gone. There will be a limit of two sets of equipment (skis, boots and poles) per person.

For more information, contact [email protected], or phone 732-730-1000 ext. 108

(Source: Daily Gazette)

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