New York Electric Bills Highest in U.S

nyc3.jpgYou may want to rethink switching on the AC this summer.

The cost of electricity for New Yorkers last month was 59.1 percent higher that the average U.S. city, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Daily News reported.

That boils down to an extra 8 cents per kilowatt hour in the Big Apple.

The numbers for natural gas don’t look much better. Locals also paid a whopping 34.2 percent more for natural gas, or 36 cents more per therm — the unit of measurement used by power companies, according to the bureau’s data.

“Power plants in most of the country use coal as fuel, while in New York State, we use more expensive natural gas and oil and only about 13 percent of generation comes from coal,” Ken Klapp, spokesman for the New York Independent System Operator, which manages the state power grid, told the Daily News.

But don’t worry, as bad as it is, things are actually getting better. The June bills for New York City and Westchester were 6.2 percent lower than they were in 2008, Chris Olert, spokesman for Con Edison, told the paper.

(Source: NBC New York)

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