Bloomberg Complains Of Bad Cell Coverage

ywtext3.jpgYou’d think cellphone dead zones wouldn’t be a problem for Mayor Bloomberg, who travels at all times with all sorts of sophisticated communications gear.

But it is.

“I keep losing calls,” the mayor disclosed yesterday, responding to a question at a press conference in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. “It’s really bad in this area.”

The mayor said he has called the president of AT&T “repeatedly” to complain, and mentioned the issue to the president of Verizon, whom he described as “an old friend.”

“We are becoming more and more dependent on cell service and I think it is physically dangerous in this day and age when you don’t have good cell service. God forbid you need to call 911 in an emergency,” the mayor said.

(Source: NY Post)

3 Responses

  1. What’s with the infatuation New Yorkers have for this clown? Not a day goes by that some trivial nothing about him appears here. It’s as bad as the trivial nothings about another clown at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. interjecting themselves into the “news” 24/7. Enough already.

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