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Fellow Jailbirds Looking to Rough-Up Madoff

madn3.jpgBernard Madoff has gone from Ponzi to con(zi) and he may find that life in the big house is not all its shanked up to be.

Fellow inmates at the Butner, N.C., federal lock-up have their sights on Madoff and are looking to rough him up to earn some cool points, according to the New York Post.

“Some of the guys were talking about smacking him around a little, just to get the notoriety of it,” a source, who has a relative in the clink with Madoff, told the Post.

Madoff could be most threatened by other white-collar crime inmates, who may have some connection to the more than 1,000 people he defrauded out of upwards of $65 billion over the course of 20 years.

But the 71-year-old also has some fans behind bars, said the Post’s source, thanks to the fact that he didn’t snitch.

“He’s got a lot of respect from other inmates because he didn’t tell on anybody, he didn’t take everybody down with him,” the source told the paper.

Madoff has even gotten an honest job (finally) in the prison’s engraving section — making desk and door nameplates for seven and a half hours a day, and joins his fellow inmates in “the yard” for recreation. Last week he was hanging out with the other jailbirds watching a game of dominoes.

His eating habits have also become more pedestrian than the haute cuisine he may have gotten used to as a Wall Street big shot — last Thursday, Madoff dined on fish fillet with a side of macaroni and cheese.

The Post’s source called Madoff a”regular dude,” and a really good guy” who “holds his head up,” but said the fallen financier did show some emotion when talking about his wife.

“He said that his wife was mad at him because the paparazzi won’t leave her alone,” the source said, adding that Madoff’s eyes welled up with tears as he spoke.

(Source: NBC New York)

7 Responses

  1. Enough already! Bernie Madoff has made his mistakes (big time) and been punished (big time). It would behoove YWN to remember that it is ossur to bear a grudge. We are now in the 3 weeks, and soon will be Ellul and the Yomaim Noraim. There is no reason to keep giving us “juicy updates” that are more suited to the gutter press.

  2. #1 makes a good point. At what point does news become gossip? His experience is standard in prison culture. Is this article news?

  3. there is too what to be learned from the way a one time multi millioner has to deal with “the guys” – a big Mussar Haskel.

  4. Did Bernie’s “eyes well up with tears” as he recounted the countless people whom he financially destroyed,wiping out entire life savings,and bringing numerous charitable orginazations to ruin? Granted it, on a Yid one has to have some measure of rachmonis. His actions have undoubtedly caused a chilul Hashm of unequalled proportions to be recorded in history books.The US system of justice has sentenced him –to compensate for a crime he is unable to fix. As others have said,its time to leave this bitter chapter alone and move on.

  5. does anyone else notice how much Madoff’s picture
    looks like George Washington, our first president
    “who never told a lie.”

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