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Woodmere Golf Course Has Hundreds Of Jewish Tombstones

golf.jpgLong Island, NY – The NY Post reports:

The manicured sprawl of a chic Long Island country club holds a morbid mystery.

Hundreds of partially engraved Jewish tombstones shore up portions of the Woodmere Club golf course against the waters of Reynolds Channel, the NY Post reports.

In one area, the tide laps at a pillar with an engraved Star of David. Elsewhere, the names Morris Gutterman, Ira Feinberg and Hyman Friedman are etched into individual stones close to the clubhouse.

Some of the stacked markers bear only monograms or surnames like Troob and Levy, but none bear visible birth and death dates.

Jeffrey Markinson of Silver Monument Works — a Jewish gravestone maker on Manhattan’s Lower East Side — believes they could be discarded pieces from a manufacturer.

“I would like to think that this was extra granite,” he said.

While golfers at the predominantly Jewish club rarely see the macabre piles, maintenance staffers are well aware of them.

“I’ve been told that they’ve been here for 50 or 100 years,” said one groundskeeper. “No one knows where they came from, but I think we inherited them.”

The worker said that course staffers avoid mentioning the mysterious markers to club members to avoid any potential controversy.

Woodmere Club general manager Donald Mollitor said that he was not aware of the stones but would look into it.

Ahron Weiner, 38, of Hewlett, stumbled upon the stones last week while walking along some of the course’s wildlife-rich fringes. The Orthodox Jewish photographer said he was stunned by the find.

“I’m not saying that this can’t be the result of an innocuous business transaction,” he said.

“But these stones, carved with Jewish names and used as embankment material on a private golf course are reminiscent of towns that I saw in Europe where Jewish gravestones were used by the Nazis as building material.”

One club member described the markers simply as “truly bizarre.”

“There’s no doubt about that. To have those names sort of floating out there is troubling.”

8 Responses

  1. New York Times – July 17, 1910
    Woodmere Country Club Will Begin to Build at Once—Will Have House, Too.
    The Woodmere Country Club of Woodmere, L. I., will soon have Its own golf course. The Board of Governors Intends to have the first nine holes completed within a short time. These will extend to a point near the centre of the town, through the park section of the property. down to the shores of woodmere Bay and return. The ground selected for the course Is of a rather hilly nature, and experts state that when the course is completed It will be one of the finest on -Long Island. The fair greens being In such good condition; the committee plans to-have the links ready for play by Sept. 1, and the club will hold its first tournament on labor Day
    David Fox of the Ocean Country Club and Thomas Anderson of the Inwood Country Club. two well-known professionals , have – been secured by the club’s golf committee, consisting of J; C. Morgenthau. Chairman: Harry B. Curtiss, and Fredrick G. Gurney.
    A-contract has just been made for the erection of a handsome clubhouse, to be located at the intersection of Browers Point Road and George’s boulevard. There will be a general living room 22 by 30 ft. with open fireplaces. On each ;side there will be suites, each consisting of a reception room, locker room, dressing room and showers. ‘The house will be of fireproof construction, In which many new feature swill be Installed, and will be completed by Aug. 15. . –

  2. I used to work in a cemetery. Many times people dont pay for their marker, the engraver makes a mistake, or they change their mind before paying. Therefore these stones may be from such events. Nothing sinister about this I believe.

  3. #3, Why any Shmoyger would spend the thousands of $s to play a goyisher game…is beyond me. I’m not sure what the exercise is beyond walking…last I checked a good pair of sneakers cost under $50…
    #4. TYW is the only really kosher blog in the world. I learn as much as Hashem has given me the ability to.
    #5. The Rashba would have condemned golf…
    #6. Are you a professional golfer that you contribute your winnings to Torah? Do you learn Torah? What exactly have you contributed to the issue?

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