Out Of The Mailbag – Pidyon Shvuyim?

YW3.jpgThe comments section has been ringing off the board during the past week carrying the feelings and emotions of readers concerning the chareidi riots that have left areas of Jerusalem in a state of ruins. I have read the never-ending stream of authoritative opinions, those who seem to boast an insight to the hidden thought of gedolei yisrael shlita, and others who just feel the timing is right to support their side in the escalating struggle on behalf of a mother, who by official medical accounts, may have abused or neglected a toddler child. As painful as it may be to some, Hadassah Hospital reports the boy came in and was listed in very serious condition due to malnourishment, not cancer or some other horrific illness.

This issue should have crossed the borders of chareidi Vs secular, the regular YWN springboard for controversy, but the remarks by and large addressed a particular community, for or against the chareidim or perhaps translated as an unwillingness to accept the integrity of Israel Police or officials state institutions. Little was mentioned in defense of a young emaciated child who while healing physically may suffer emotional scaring for the remainder of his days.

This issue should have crossed the borders of chareidi Vs secular, the regular YWN springboard for controversy, but the remarks by and large addressed a particular community, for or against the chareidim or perhaps translated as an unwillingness to accept the integrity of Israel Police or officials state institutions. Little was mentioned in defense of a young emaciated child who while healing physically may suffer emotional scaring for the remainder of his days.

For me, a reader, it is difficult to believe that physicians and directors of an institution such as the Hadassah Medical Organization would ever agree to working against a patient’s interest to serve some hidden state agenda, but if that works for you, fine. Call it a conspiracy if you will.

My question however compels us to look in a different direction. With over NIS 1 million in damages as a result of the chareidi rioting in the name of this woman, assuming she is a devoted mother who is being framed, why not mobilize our community in numbers on behalf of Gilad Shalit, a soldier who remains in horrific conditions at best, now in his fourth year of seclusion. Doesn’t he deserve protests, traffic lights smashed in his name, burning garbage cans to bring the government to its knees? Not that I think his family would endorse such action, but now, as Tisha B’av approaches, I wonder how much we are willing to extend ourselves for another yid, one who was a shaliach of Eretz Yisrael even though he may not be ‘one of us’.

Quite honestly, we are all pleased the mother is out of a state prison and under house arrest. She does not appear to be a common criminal. That said, do any of the rabbonim feel the need to call for a tehillim rally for Gilad, a protest, an Kosel event or something else perhaps?

Are we that stiff-necked that we cannot permit ourselves to cry for a soldier, perhaps an agent of the Zionist state, but a Jew, a young boy, cut off from his family, along in some black hole, chas v’sholom being tortured, but this appears to be on another agenda. It was only a few months ago that we saw a commendable outpouring of sentiment, emotion and tefilla when our soldiers were fighting in Gaza. Now with the war over, are we not permitted to shed a tear for yet another soldier?

I believe pidyon shvuyim applies to all, not just member of our community, and perhaps actions on Gilad’s behalf could bring just enough unity among the ranks in Eretz Yisrael that this 9 Av could be a day that is not observed with fasting and laws of mourning.

A pained reader.

21 Responses

  1. NO shaychis!!
    1)Gilad wasnt captured by Jews
    2)Gilads release is not in our hands
    BUT the capture of this selfless Yidishe mother WAS done by ‘Jews’
    And WE WILL BURN THE CITY DOWN if the Zionist Gov. doesn’t stop this blood libel

  2. I don’t agree, but I think I do understand them a tiny bit: These people do not protest every time the Zionists do something wrong – then they’d be protesting 365 days a year, especially if the Reshoim got into a mess do to their own “kochi V’oitzem Yodi” they won’t be there to undo the mess. but only when they invade their community, their old fashioned conservative life-style, then they awake.

    Any way, it’s not clear at all what the government could do about Gilad Shalit, and they are definitely not to be held accountable for not freeing hundreds of murderers for his release.

    I believe they themselves don’t know if the mother is innocent or not, nor do they care. They just decry the ‘sate’ acting in their community instead of a Bes Din, Lehavdil. In their mind, they want to live in EY in a denial – as if the state does not exist.

  3. I’ll pass on your message to Gedolei Yisroel shlita, who apparently missed everything you in your great wisdom can see.

  4. What makes you believe Gilad Shalit is still among the living? Bringing this topic up plays right into the hands of our enemies.
    They want nothing more than hundreds of terrorists, some with blood on their hands, freed only to come back to haunt us.

  5. The question should be not why we don’t burn garbage to protest Gilad Shalit’s imprisonment, but rather why the “Munchausen” mother’s supporters have not held massive Tehillim rallies for the health and welfare of the three-year-old child, and yes, for his mother too, instead of perpetrating their insane destruction on their fellow Yidden in the holiest city on Earth. Their actions are not frumkeit, they’re krumkeit!
    –And indeed, as the writer of the article says, let us say Tehillim b’achdus for Gilad Shalit, maybe when we assemble for Eichah and kinos. (It should be noted that many DO regularly daven for Gilad ben Aviva. May these tefillos be answered speedily l’tovah.)
    It is especially horrible that the rioters burn and destroy in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh, and during the Three Weeks yet! There were already enough fires in Yerushalayim that destroyed the two Batei Mikdash, enough to last the world for the six thousand potential years of its existence!

  6. I guess we should all go down to gaza city and break down the traffic lights. I’m sure gilad would be home in no time.

  7. Hadassah Hospital reports the boy came in and was listed in very serious condition due to malnourishment, not cancer or some other horrific illness.
    No medical records have been shown to back up either side. I’m sure eventually they will show up.

    For me, a reader, it is difficult to believe that physicians and directors of an institution such as the Hadassah Medical Organization would ever agree to working against a patient’s interest to serve some hidden state agenda, but if that works for you, fine.
    For some reason any askan who has been involved in the pasr with hadassah, doesn’t question the possibility – no, probability, that the hospital is at fault and covering up. It’s nice to sit back and look from far away, those that see from closer have no question that that is what is happening.

    As far as gilad shalit is concerned, tell us what we could do that would deffinately be a help. Too much publicity makes it harder to bring him home because the arabs see how important he is and raise the price. Not enough publicity is not good because the government slacks off. Lichoyra, shev vaal taaseh might be the best

  8. #1
    1. Gilad’s Shalit’s life is very much in your hands and mine, since its only klal Yisrael’s Tfilos that can change His heavenly decree.

    2. Gedolei Hador have strongly forbidden you to riot like a madman and cause uncountable acts of Chilul Hashem in the eyes of Yidden and non alike, yet you continue to brazenly go against their words.

    it appears there is much of a difference of living Bederch Hatorah between you and the Zionists. I’m failing to see why you think you’re better than them.

  9. Before posting your day-dreaming fantasies, let’s turn back some pages in the history of the State of Israel.

    Please note (and verify if you don’t believe), 60 years ago, the Yemenites were as naive as you are. They couldn’t imagine that Jews in Israel, Zionists, would hurt them and lead them astray from their holy tradition they kept for over 2000 years; that Jewish doctors and nurses and social workers would rob their children away from them with foolish excuses and either sell them for adoption or shmaad them, making of them complete chilonim. Until today the government denies and covers up those crimes claiming they “couldn’t” locate those missing children. The graves where they were officially buried were found to be empty. When it came to finding Yossele Shuchamacher, the entire Mossad was put into action to get him back to Israel and turn him into a chiloni. They had no problem finding him, but these Yemenite children they still can’t find. How naive and foolish can someone be to believe this?

    History repeats itself. If you “can’t” believe that Israel is so corrupt, keep it to yourself. Sadly, facts in secular Israel have not changed much. Doctors in our days are money and fame hungry. For their ego they are willing to do anything to fulfill their goals even brutally stepping on them and killing children. Olmert, a secular politician, did many, many corrupt business for his career. Please note naive poster, his Jewish heart had no compulsion brutally beating up Gush Katif and Amona citizens. But since he was admired by the Left, the media tried to neutralize the accusations.

    This little boy came in as a sick child almost as soon as he was born. Hadassah’s Mengele Doctors did all kinds of chemotherapy experiments with him without the consent of the parents, even though this child did not have cancer.

    Our forefather, Avraham Avinu, summarized it thousands of years ago: “Rak ein yirat Elokim bamakom hazeh vehagoni”, when there is no fear of Hashem, people are apt to kill.

    Please stop being foolishly naive and go learn the sad facts and then let’s see what you have to say.

  10. NO shaychis!! EVERYBIT of SHAYCHIS
    1)Gilad wasnt captured by Jews
    2)Gilads release is not in our hands
    BUT the capture of this selfless Yidishe mother WAS done by ‘Jews’- SHE NEEDS MEDICAL HELP QUICKLy

    And WE WILL BURN THE CITY DOWN if the Zionist Gov. doesn’t stop this blood libel – THE BURNT DOWN CITY WILL INCLUDE STORES, BUILDINGS, BENCHES in front of bus stop (for the elderly), SERVICES that are needed by this same kehilla.

    Get the Askanim on the SHALIT case, they can meet with Hamas leaders in any European country, and offer some trade $$$$. Try it and see what will result.

  11. About Gilad Shalit, you naively believe that the heads of the IDF, Security Forces and Government Officials, care about Gilad as if he were their only son. The fact is they only take care of themselves and agree to do a bit to try to get him out. If Shalit would’ve been Yossele Schuchmacher, you may be sure that he’d been long back in Israel.

    If you really care, who doesn’t let you protest full force to free Gilad? You simply don’t care. When it came to Gush Katif and Amona, it was the non-Chareidim who really cared and turned over the whole country causing lots of damage.

    The Chareidim are not the police of all of Israel. They care for their own community who are abused since the State was created and even before that. It’s not the Chareidim’s concern to take care of all of Israel’s problems.

  12. Why stop with Gilad Shalit? What about Jonathan Pollard? Or Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin? I am not advocating civil unrest or disobedience, but tehillim rallies? Something?!

  13. Amen to Bar26 #10 – you have hit it on the button!
    These doctors are mostly a bunch of incompetents. I have been in Hadassa Ein Kerem TWICE, and each time stupid incompetent doctors have completely misdiagnosed me! They look down on American doctors who have more knowledge in their pinkies than these blokes would ever have. And they make fun of their patients who could never know more than them! Tov Sheborofim Legihinom is written specifically for the egotistical doctors. And yes, my wife has been saying tehikkim with the famous Yerushalayim tehillim group for close to a year! (And they also said for Gilad Shalit and Yonasan Pollard!)
    B”H Hashem gave the the idea to take a private doctor, and fully handled me. But, those who cannot afford it ARE stuck with these Jew killers!
    So Bar26 – you ar eabsolutely correct but people who do not live here cannot believe it. Doctors in another country making these errors would at least lose their licenses – or be put in jail for manslaughter. And yes, they have indeed killed people because of their lack of knowledge and incompetence!

  14. #10. Quite accurate, but it must emphasized that this child has been ill since shortly after his birth and his malnourishment is a result of the extensive treatments he has received. There is also some rumors that they became aware that the child was misdiagnosed and the mother started carrying on so……The doctors have to protect themselves.

  15. # 10 – to call Jewish Doctors Mengele is an absolute disgrace. I know several guys who work there are they are excellent caring Doctors who dedicate their lives to helping people for a lousy salary. They also have a Yirat Shamayim. Hashem is the only true Rofeh and the Doctors are his agents.
    Regarding your comment in post # 14 – what about the concept of arvus. As Frum Jews surely Chareidim have the responsibility to daven for all of Am Yisrael. Some argue that Charedim should be exempt from the army as they are learning on behalf of all Am Yisrael and this zechus will protect us. This is indeed a valid argument but according to you the rest of Am Yisrael does not bother you. B”H the Gedolei Yisrael have more Achavas Yisrael than you.
    I am surprised however that when it comes to non –chardei issues the Askanim are surprisingly silent. Where were they when Jews were thrown out of their houses at Gush Katif, where are they when it comes to Gilad Schalit .At this time of year especially we shown try and tune ourselves in to the pain and suffering of each and every Jew and do all we can to help even though he is not from our camp.
    Let’s try and learn from the Gedole Yisrael. Maran harav Eliyashiv recently met with Noam Schalit in order to hear the father’s suffering and give him Chizuk. If Maran can find the time can we not find a few seconds each day to daven for him or do you want to say his not Charedei so he does not my deserve my tifilos. Bar26 – get out the bar and wake up !

  16. #13 I hate to disallusion you but in the palestinaina refugee camps there are no tents, they actually live in beautiful homes…….

  17. as a frum person i am disgusted at any yeshiva bochur or kollel yungerleit (who do not have to do the israeli army because quite rightly so we need the protection of their torah learning) who do not learn or daven for gilad because EIN SOIMCHIM AL HANEISS. so we need those brave israeli soldiers who risk their lives on a daily basis to guard the borders of the holy land so that the torah leit can sit comefortably in the air conditioned botei medrash to without fear. so of course we need the torah learning to protect us but at the same time have hakoras hatov to the soldiers.

  18. I am sorry that the writer of this letter is so out of touch with reality.
    It is truly quite pathetic to sit on your computer in America and try to even understand in the slightest the intricacies of Israeli politics. I am sorry that you don’t care enough about Gilad Shalit to hold a tehillim rally, and even sadder that you are so hypocritical. Do you know that the Chevron Yeshiva, in which it is impossible to get a seat for the Yamim Noraim and plenty of bachurim are standing, kept a prominent seat empty with Gilad Shalit’s name on it so that noone will forget to beseech Hashem for his safe return? Or that in yeshivos across yerushalayim the Roshei Yeshiva (yes, those heartless chareidim)gave speeches reminding the boys to have Shalit in mind in their tefillos and in some yeshivos have tehillim gatherings for him on a regular basis?!?! Who do you daven for three times a day when you say “matir asurim”? You have no idea what kind of caring and loving herats and souls these chareidim have and you should go out there and meet some and get informed before you write brilliant letters like this that only highlight how little you think about the rest of klal yisrael and that’s why you’re pinning your lack of carng on other much more amazing people than you!

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