Bear Threats To Humans Grow In Catskills

bear.jpgHardly a day goes by that a police agency in the Catskills and many parts of the Hudson Valley don’t receive a report of a bear wandering into a residential area.

They are often lured to them by the smell of food, coming from homes or garbage cans and the DEC’s Gene Kelly said make no mistake about it, they are dangerous.

“We’re not talking about Winnie the Pooh here; we’re talking about live, wild animals that can grow quite large,” he said. “Adult male bears can easily 300 or 400 pounds or even larger; they are powerful animals. They don’t look to us as friends, even though they look cuddly and cute. They view us as nothing more than a potential source of food.”

Kelly said keep garbage can lids on tight, don’t stock bird feeders in the summer, turn off kitchen exhaust fans immediately after cooking, and if you are barbequing, be sure to clean off the grill after use and close the lid.

(Source: MidHudsonNews)

6 Responses

  1. When will the New York State government finally, finally, finally permit bear hunting? This could be eliminated if the bears weren’t considered a threatened species! What about humans? Don’t they deserve the same protection?!

  2. It’s a terribly dangerous situation that does not have to be the way it is. If the law would allow hunters the right to shoot bears, we can get rid of these things inside of one hunting season. Why should bears be protected by law? who needs these dangerous wild animals threatening people constantly. There’s no law banning the killing of roaches. This is worse than roaches. These bears have taken jewish lives already and there is no reason for it.
    Every bungalow colony should have a person on grounds with a rifle ready to shoot any bear they see. Actually, Jewish people in general should all get permits and own handguns. We will all be a lot safer from goyim once the word is out that we are not against owning guns for personal protection.

  3. 2morecents, I couldn’t agree with you more. If you are interested, go to the N.R.A. website where you can see the latest legislative action coming out of Albany.

  4. Forget about handguns. For bears (and any other types of vilde chayas that might threaten Yidden -hamayveen yaveen) a rifle is the way to go, and rifle permits can be gotten with just a little effort. Just be sure to know how to safely own and use them.

  5. Hakol Kol Yaakov V’Hayodayim Y’dai Eisav. We, as B’Nai Avraham Yitzcok V’Yaakov do not advocate to protect ourselves from Goyim with guns. We are living in A Malchus Shell Chesed with no imminent danger.

  6. To: #5 “YLKWD” Aizeh hu chacham? Haro’eh et hanolad! Machus shel chesed? Malchus shel obama! Take your head out of the sand. Haba l’harg’cha, hashkaim l’hargo! Think no one is coming l’harg’cha? Nothing is “imminent”? By the time you realize it IS imminent, it will be too late to prepare yourself l’hargo. And, IF I’m wrong, its still better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it!

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