Savage Off The List: Britain Ban On Radio Talker’s Travel To Be Lifted

savage.jpgRadio talker Michael Savage told World Net Daily (WND) he was “stunned” by the quick decision by incoming United Kingdom Home Secretary Alan Johnson to scrap his predecessor’s list of people banned from Britain – a list that included Savage along with Islamic hate preachers and terrorists.

Savage had sued outgoing Home Secretary Jacqui Smith for libel for listing him, along with 15 others, as “least wanted” visitors in the country. Meanwhile, Smith’s successor, Alan Johnson, called the move a terrible blunder and told the London Daily Mail he would scrap the policy of maintaining such enemies lists.

“I am stunned by this sudden sign of sanity in the UK government,” Savage told WND. “But I won’t believe it until they send a letter to me confirming it.”

Savage said he also demands an apology from Smith.

Johnson said Smith had no right to put Savage, the third highest rated radio talker in America, on the same list as a former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, a skinhead gang leader and a Hezbollah militant.

Last month, Smith resigned her position in the wake of scandal over personal use of taxpayer funds and her controversial ban of Savage.

Savage took the offensive against her by appearing on a BBC radio program and filing his lawsuit.

Savage also has sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, asking that she call on the British government to withdraw the ban.

The complaint against Smith notes the home secretary’s office said in a press release that the “controversial daily radio host” is “considered to be engaging in unacceptable behavior by seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred which might lead to inter-community violence.”

The allegations are “entirely false,” the complaint asserts.

“At no time has our client provoked or sought to provoke others to commit crimes or serious criminal acts.”

Savage hosts the nation’s third most popular radio talk show in the U.S., with an estimated 8 million listeners a week on about 400 stations, according to his syndicator, the Talk Radio Network.

(Source: World Net Daily)

13 Responses

  1. He’s political genius, he says what has to be said with out political correctness. nothing he makes him have a foul mouth maybe your just not used to hearing the truth which is not tarnished by political correctness (sheker)

  2. #1 Darchei Noam: U have no idea what you are talking about!
    You probably never listened to him! He is Jewish, if not religious and he has frequently quoted Tanach in a very positive way.

  3. good for you michael weiner!!!

    #2 what’s your point?? is everything in your home perfectly fine for a yiddishe home?

  4. 1.—–> Darchei Noam
    You realize your saying lashon hara against another yid??

    What’s wrong with speaking the truth? Every time the left emboldens these hate mongers with lies it makes the world a more dangerous place. The only to combat it is with speaking truth.

  5. sammygol, sorry you are correct. when you do this on a cell phone you forget the numbers. the comment was directed to #1.

    nooch, competition, yes. sworn enemies, no!! we spoke on the show about the ban and how illegitimate it was.

  6. Michael Savage Rocks! The man in a genius and intuitive like no other in the media. (I dont agree with everything he says, but he is a good man and a smart man above others).

  7. Remember everyone: The English schools took out of their curriculum any reference to the holocoust so as not to offend muslims.

  8. We absolutely should maintain the kedusha in our home and keep out things that are otherwise. That entails keeping a trash-talking host, like Savage, off.

  9. # 15

    That comment is quite correct. And the answer is no. I’m sure you also are aware that TV is destructive. You can know that without ever having seen any TV.

  10. #17:

    Did you need to watch TV to understand its destructiveness, or can you understand that without ever having watched TV?

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