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Fire Destroys Building Belonging to Skver (Homowack Lodge)

fire.jpgThe Times Herald Record reports: An early-morning fire destroyed an abandoned building near the former Homowack Lodge, and firefighters responded to the lodge’s main building early in the day for a false alarm.

The fire, about 5:10 a.m., was at a building that used to house staff for the hotel. It has been abandoned for many years, fire officials said. The three-story structure was completely engulfed in flames when firefighters arrived. Because the building was abandoned and no electricity was running to it, fire authorities are treating it as a suspicious case.

Firefighters spend roughly three hours putting out the fire.

They were also called to the Homowack’s main building about noon on Saturday when an alarm went off. Authorities say it was a false alarm.

The two buildings are not attached, but are owned by the same Orthodox Jewish group from Rockland County.

That group, known as the Skver sect from New City, has been mired in controversy lately. After a large oil spill on the ground this month, state inspectors found numerous violations at the Machne Bnos Square Camp. They were cited for inoperable/defective fire suppression and fire alarm systems, pervasive moisture problems from leaking roofs and plumbing and mold in occupied and unoccupied buildings. Inspectors discovered numerous electrical problems resulting from leaking pipes flowing over electrical boxes.

The state health department asked the camp to vacate the building, but as of Saturday adults and campers were still sleeping in the building.

Inspectors were reportedly planning to re-visit the site on Saturday.

2 Responses

  1. “Hello?”

    “Is this the state insurance fraud department?”

    “I’d like to report a fire, in a building that should have been shut down years ago, but wasn’t, and was argued about, because it would have cost too much, and now, amazingly enough, there was a fire? How much will your insurance company cover?”

  2. Something is strange: a few days after the state said to close down the building bec. it is not suitable for people it goes on fire???

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