Obama Visits N.J. To Stump For Corzine

obcor.jpgPresident Obama shed his suit jacket and rolled up one shirtsleeve and then the other as he turned yesterday to the work of driving home the message that his hope-and-change train needs a Democratic Gov. Corzine aboard in New Jersey.

At the outset of his visit, Obama took Corzine’s hand and turned the gesture into a warm embrace.

Then, speaking to an enthusiastic capacity crowd of 17,500 at the PNC Bank Arts Center, Obama said, “I want you to know I’m proud to stand with a man who wakes up every day thinking of your future and the future of Jersey and that’s Gov. Jon Corzine. This is a man who is here because he cares about what is right for New Jersey.”

Obama’s stump speech for Corzine was marked by frequent and almost deafening cheers and shouts of approval.

The president recited the governor’s argument for reelection, saying Corzine had provided property-tax relief, cut the size of government, expanded health care for children, and invested in education. That seemed to sit well with Corzine, who beamed an almost constant smile as he took in the endorsement.

It was Obama’s first visit to New Jersey as president.

The rally yesterday provided a much-needed injection of hope into a campaign where a sitting blue-state governor has been trailing a lesser-known Republican in the polls since last summer.

Corzine worked hard to push the idea that Obama’s success was tied to his own. Several times he noted that they were linked, saying, “Now, with a partner in the White House, there is no limit to what we can accomplish.” Sounding a lot like his guest, he said, “Americans have never failed to turn crisis into renewal. This is our time of renewal and we will succeed.”

Obama also took care of some of his own business, speaking about the health-care package he is trying to get through Congress.

But the president spent most of his nearly 30-minute speech talking about Corzine. In addition to praising the governor’s agenda, he noted that Corzine was being “tested by the worst recession in half a century,” which he blamed on “years of recklessness and irresponsibility.”

The crowd took it all in eagerly, though many had been in the scorching sun for hours. They began gathering around 11 a.m. as more than 100 school buses unloaded scores at the arena.

The president’s warm embrace of Corzine will have to be worked a bit.

A Monmouth University/Gannett New Jersey Poll released yesterday morning showed that few respondents connected Corzine with Obama and that the president’s visit might not help the governor’s sagging approval ratings.

Polling director Patrick Murray said 70 percent of the 792 registered voters polled between July 9 and 14 responded that even if the president campaigned with the governor, it would have no effect on their vote. The poll’s margin of error was plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. In the “beauty pageant” section of the poll, Christie beat Corzine by 43 percent to 37 percent, with independent Chris Daggett getting 5 percent.

However, the Corzine campaign plans to expand on Obama’s visit with television commercials linking the men.

Obama also attended a private fund-raiser yesterday for the governor and the Democratic National Committee that raised more than $1 million.

Corzine is tapping his own considerable fortune to support his campaign and will not be subject to state spending limits. Christie and Daggett seek state matching funds, meaning they must live with the spending limits. Statewide candidates in New Jersey are stuck between two of the country’s most expensive television advertising markets – New York and Philadelphia – and typically spend $1.3 million a week to get voters’ attention in the final weeks of a race.

(Source: Philly.com)

10 Responses

  1. To: #6 mark levin – although it is kind of hard to make a translation because it moves along pretty quickly, I will to try to do so and leave it here for you as a “comment” (if not today, then over the weekend) so come back here to look for it.

  2. To Mark Levin – re translation of Rav Amnon Yitzchak video… This is NOT an exact, word for word translation, but it is pretty close. You should watch the video as you read it to fill in with the parts of the video that ARE in English…
    Obama – he hides that he is still moslem. He hides his hatred for Jews. He talks about peace but he doesn’t care about the destruction of Israel. Obama will be the end of the (good) relationship between Israel and the U.S. Hope Betrayed. Moamar Khadafy speaking says “there is now an election in the U.S., there is a black candidate, a man of Kenyan roots, a moslem, who studied in a moslem school in Indonesia, his name is Obama. Everyone in the moslem and arab world applauds him. They prayed for him and wish him success. Many even contributed money to his campaign in order to help him reach the presidency of the U.S.” Citizen of Indonesia Religion: Moslem.
    Obama promised that he cares about the security of Israel and the unity of Jerusalem, but – his true program… (listen to Obama speak, and conversation with news interviewer)… Obama says how he used a wrong term when he spoke of undivided Jerusalem. He picks Samantha Power as an advisor. She speaks about the need to spend billions of dollars to protect “palestine” and build a palestinian military force… money that previously was spent on Israeli security… Obama uses Rashid Kalidi as an advisor. He was associated with the PLO when the US recognized the PLO to be a terrorist organization. Kalidi is the one who arranged for Achmanijad (Pres. of Iran) to speak at Columbia University and call for the destruction of Israel. Obama uses Zbigniew Brezinski as an advisor (listen to him speak about Israel “stealing land” from the palestinians). Obama chooses Ram Emanuel as White House chief of staff (he is quoted saying in essence that Obama will force to happen what he wants in the middle east). Israel is singled out as a “colonial power”, but the american “democratic dictator” doesn’t mix in to what is happening in Iran, Darfur, Georgia, etc. Obama takes General Kit Daiton to train palestinian forces. Gen. Daiton: “If the Israelis don’t give up the territories, within 2 years the forces I am training will be able to start killing Israelis (5/22/09). All of this is just part of the promise to make “Big Changes”. (Obama speaks) Change comes to America. Obama came to power in in the midst of a major economic breakdown. What is his solution to the economic breakdown? Rav Amnon Speaks: They are selling Israel’s interests away completely. Obama bows down to Saudi oil, to the Saudi king. According to Obama, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah are NOT what blocks peace in the middle East. The primary block to peace is the natural population growth of Israelis in their land. Like Pharoah 3,300 years ago, Obama decrees to stop the population growth of Israel. Obama expresses “pain” at the Jewish Holocaust in Europe, but is already preparing for us the next Holocaust. Obama speaks about nations (i.e. Iran’s) rights to have (nuclear) weapons. Achmanijad speaks: “People, wave fists and signs and shout ‘Death to Israel!'” Rav Amnon says with crazed leaders like this in the region, the situation is NOT good! He says we must do (t’shuva) repentence, and bring other Jews to repentence also. If we do that, NO nation, no enemy can harm us if we do the will of our Creator.
    MK – this obviously loses a lot of the “flow” in translation, but hope it helps.

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