Skver Asked To Evacuate Homowack Lodge

skver.jpgThe Times Herald Record reports: The Department of Health has asked the former Homowack Lodge, (owned & occupied by Mosdos Skver) voluntarily to evacuate, the Town of Mamakating supervisor says.

The town and the Department of Health have found numerous health and safety violations.

The facility is currently being used as a summer girl’s camp.

“After several investigations conducted by New York State Department of Health in conjunction with town of Mamakating and other health and safety agencies, on July 13, the Department of Health requested a voluntary evacuation of the Homowack hotel in the interest of public safety,” Supervisor Bob Fiore said.

Fiore said on Wednesday morning he was not sure if the owners had complied.

“We will be going there today to observe their progress,” he said.

Last Thursday, authorities responded to a oil spill on the grounds.

The county Bureau of Fire and the Summitville Fire Department have also identified numerous violations.

In August of 2007, YWN had reported HERE that thousands of Jews from all walks of life had gathered at the Homowack Lodge to celebrate what was called an “historic founding of a new heimishe shtetl in upstate New York”. Hundreds of Rabbonim, Admorim, Roshei Yeshivos and Dayonim were attendence as well.

(Times Herald Record / YWN SULLIVAN COUNTY NEWS TEAM – 2009)

5 Responses

  1. I spent Pesach at the Homowack last year – great Yom Tov – great crowd. The hotel, however, was another story.

    It was in such disrepair as to be rather alarming. Physical damage everywhere, from holes in ceilings and walls to torn carpets – carpeting in halls that had been saturated with water during an earlier fire hae been more or less left – entire sections of the hotel reaked of mold. Mattresses that did not fit boxsprings, light fixtures without bulbs, malfunctioning door locks. Quite a mess.

  2. sammygol

    In Skver they do eat fish on Pesach, (some of them might even start ‘talking’ to you during the seder). In Viznitz they have a custom not to eat fish on Pesach, therefore they eat chicken in a form of gefilte fish called falshe fish.
    The Viznitzer Rebbe himself doesn’t eat meat or chicken all year round, so Pesach not being able to eat fish nor chicken, creates a bit of a problem, but he still manages with some kugel etc.

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