Madoff Bound For N.C. And 5-By-9 Cell

madoff.jpgBernard Madoff is on the move.

CBS News has learned the disgraced financier is headed to a federal prison in North Carolina.

Madoff will be housed in medium security Butner Federal Correctional Institute just outside Raleigh — a facility he was to move into on Monday.

The disgraced money manager was sentenced earlier this month to 150 years after running a Ponzi scheme that stole an estimate $50 billion from investors.

CBS 2 HD has learned the itinerary of Madoff’s daily routine. It will be ground hog day every day for the 71-year-old. He’ll wake up every morning at 6 a.m., have breakfast, then work his prison job, have some lunch and then its back to his prison job. Dinner will follow, along with visits from anyone who may want to say hello. He’ll be counted along with other inmates every three hours. And according to a former federal prisoner, he better watch his back.

“It’s going to be cell living, standard prison cell. He’ll be locked down from, figure, 9 at night to 6 in the morning. He’ll be living out of a 2-foot by 4-foot wall locker,” Larry Levine said.

“He won’t have a lot of freedom. The institution has what’s called ‘controlled movement,’ which might be familiar for people back in high school where you had passing periods — where between classes you had a certain amount of time to get between areas. Well, a medium operates like that.”

Levine fears Madoff could be in a lot of trouble in that facility.

“I think he’s gonna be killed in prison. I think he’s gonna have to watch his back every minute,” he said.

Levine said Madoff will eventually have a roommate and they’ll both live in a cell that measures 9 feet long and about 5 feet wide — quite a change from his 7,000 square foot penthouse that’s now property of Uncle Sam.

Life as he knows it is most definitely over.

Among the well-known criminals being held at Butner are:

* John Rigas, founder of Adelphia Communications, and his son, Tim, the company’s chief financial officer. They were convicted on multiple charges of securities fraud, conspiracy to commit bank fraud and bank fraud.

* Jonathan Pollard, the American convicted of spying for Israel more than two decades ago.

* Omar Abdel-Rahman, also known as the blind sheik, who was sentenced to life in prison in 1995 for his role in a plot to kill Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and blow up New York City landmarks, including the United Nations. He was sentenced to life in prison in 1995 and moved to Butner in 2007.

(Source: WCBSTV)

10 Responses

  1. I don’t see how banging on this guy helps. What good is physical revenge?

    Claw back the money he stole from all the cronies he gave it to. It’s stolen goods. If he stole a piano and gave it to his son, wouldn’t he have to give it back?

  2. Pollard is innocent. Right, so is Madoff. Pollard spied, that’s a fact. Spying is against the law in the United States of America. So is stealing. Ahh but maybe I have it all wrong. Maybe spying for Israel is a tzadik, even though he did it for money, not idealism. He got religion later, when he realized it might work to get him out. And Madoff who really is a tzadik because of all his charitable work (forget about the fact that he basically stole from charities), should be in Otisville. Poor Madoff in a cell somewhere while the people who he stole from sold their apartments and moved in with their children cause they are now penniless.

  3. The American Jewish liberal community along with the erstwhile JDL et all have taken up the Pollard cause. Several Israeli PMs promised to say something but all backed off after they were told what he had done. I’m not even sure if he really is being unfairly or just the same as any other criminal in that prison. But the American activists hath told you that Pollard was an honorable man. So are they all, all honorable men.

  4. pollard – i assume did teshuva for whatever sins he may have done. therefore he is NOT a criminal. it is assur to call him one .
    i know this doesnt fit with ur american mind & way of thinking outside daas torah BUT this is the torah view.
    Review hil. lashon horah. one is not allowed to speak of a bal teshuva’s past aveirot.!

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