Tragedy In Deal, NJ: 3-Year-Old Killed By Car

candle910.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of 3-year-old Avraham Mizrachi Z”L, who was R”L struck & killed by a car backing out of a driveway on Monday morning.

Sources tell YWN that Jersey Shore Hatzolah responded to the scene on Highlawn Ave in Long Branch NJ, at approximately 10:00AM, and transported the child in traumatic arrest to the Jersey Shore Trauma Center, where doctors R”L pronounced him dead.

Misaskim is working together with local Askonim to assist in all aspects of Kavod Hames.

The child’s father is Mr. Max Mizrachi.

The Levaya is scheduled for today, exact time & location will be updated shortly.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

16 Responses

  1. Boruch dayan haemet,what a special family.
    Hashem should give them much strength through this nissayon! Ubilah hamavet l’netzach

  2. I learned in one of my hashgofo shiurim that sad events happen to K’lal Yisroel to remind us of the Bais Hamikdosh which has not yet been rebuilt and the lack of sholom and the existance of sin’as chinom . Hashem picks special people to be the messengers,instead of nevi’im whom we lack.

  3. This is a great tragedy, and my heart goes out to the family.

    However, perhaps this is a tragic reminder from Hakadosh Baruch Hu about the seriousness of the three weeks. More and more I am seeing a lack of acknowledgment of the three weeks. I have even heard that some camps are beginning *two days* before Tisha B’Av. This is very unacceptable.

    Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

  4. when camp starts has nothing to do with not feeling the three weeks. Camp has started during the three weeks since mike tress ah started camp agudah. I take mike tress ah, rabbi teitelbaum ah and all the other gedolim who let camp start during the three weeks over yeshiva insider any day.

  5. #3 you are absolutely right about sholom in the 3 weeks.and the fact that there are no neviim today to guide us. however can i make a point here. it is something that angers me very much. without mentioning names there are quite a few rebbes today who are supposed to lead by example but instead cause huge machlokes between their thousands of chassidim splitting them in two camps for the simple reason that they cant come to a mutual agreement with their relatives who should be rebbe for reasons of kovoid. there is even the case in 1 of the major chassidic courts where the rebbe is bh still alive where 2 of thesons have already caused a huge split between the chassidim because they are already arguing about who will be rebbe when their father shlita reaches 120. im sorry if i offend a few people today but talking as a frum person this is worse then 2 people having an argument between each other this is sinas chinom on a huge scale causing rifts between thousands of chassidim. i am absolutely disgusted by this, and rebbes before donning their rebbishe clothes should ask themselves 1 question. is my personal kovoid that important to me that im prepared to cause such great machloikas?

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