Anti Semitism Alive and Well in Moscow

nn.jpgAt a most disturbing, offensive and tasteless event, the Moscow Circus has monkeys dressed as Jews. Four well-trained monkeys enter the ring and take part in a Jewish wedding ceremony for the entertainment of spectators.

The monkeys are of course dressed to fill their roles, the Jewish bride, her bridegroom and the parents.

According to a Ynet report quoting Israeli businessman Micky Saidov who lives in Russia, he was shocked, horrified and embarrassed that his daughter was witness to this, enough so that he notified the Israeli embassy. Saidov explained his 14-year-old daughter Linoy’s mouth was wide open when she too realized what she was seeing.

Men wearing tzitzis and sporting peyos, exhibiting a chassidic appearance pulled in a wagon carrying the ‘Jewish’ monkeys. They then performed the Jewish wedding ceremony.

The embassy in Moscow reports they already approached the circus organizers, who feel this is not a matter of anti-Semitism, but at worst, perhaps an issue of “bad taste”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. This should be disturbing to all Jews.

    BTW it is old news – JTA reported it back in March as did Haaretz etc…

    Back then, JTA interviewed Boruch Gorin from Chabad who said “I think it’s maybe in bad taste, but you must know that Russia is different than Western nations in its humor,”

    For anyone who has lived here for a little while, we understand that Boruch is right in that it is not vicious antisemitism but what Boruch leaves unsaid (intentionally??) is that it IS a reflection of the atitude towards Jews here in Moscow. The organizers did not even think that there is anything wrong with it . This is perhaps more disturbing than the act itself.

    We are all in Galus – here in Moscow we feel it. Maybe that is a good thing

  2. I don’t understand. Doesn’t it also say on them, “Aam Hadomeh L’Chamor” and “Vzerem Sus(Horse) Zeramtom”
    So what is it Middoh Keneged Middoh?
    A Monkey for a Donkey?
    Middoh stands for:
    “Mem, Dalet, Hei” — Monkey Donkey Horse

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