Jewish Congressman Anthony Weiner Engaged To Muslim Woman

weiner.jpgThe following are excerpts from the NY Daily News:

After years as one of Washington’s most eligible bachelors, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn, Queens) is engaged to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Secretary of State Clinton.

A source close to the couple confirmed that Weiner, 44, proposed to Abedin, 33, over Memorial Day weekend.

No date’s been set, but the power couple is “thrilled” about the upcoming nuptials, the source said.

So is another woman in Weiner’s life.

“I think it’s wonderful,” the pol’s mother, Fran, told the Daily News. “She’s lovely. What more can I say?”

She said it wasn’t clear how their wedding ceremony might accommodate the pair’s different faiths. Weiner, a staunch defender of Israel in Congress, is Jewish; Abedin is Muslim.

“Anything that makes them happy,” Fran Weiner said.

Weiner, who went public with the romance last spring after brushing off months of rumors, ran for mayor in 2005. He mulled running again this year, but ruled it out in May, claiming a desire to focus on Congress – and “build a family.”

Abedin was born in Michigan to a Pakistani mother and an Indian father. She grew up in Saudi Arabia and attended college in the United States.

After interning in the First Lady’s office in 1996, Abedin became a linchpin of Clinton’s entourage, and was described by admirers as maintaining both her flawless couture and her calm in the throes of Clinton’s presidential campaign.

33 Responses

  1. I’m not sure he’s actually Jewish. I’ve heard (not confirmed) that his father is Jewish and his mother converted not according to halacha.

  2. was the timing og this news release meant to coincide with the parsha in which some members of Bnei Yisroel sinned with midyanite women (in particular Zimri and Kosby)and down a plague?

  3. His father is Jewish. His mother is not. What is sad is that this goy doesn’t known who he himself is. The tragic intermarriage happened many years ago.

  4. I read on other blogs earlier today that Mr Weiner’s father,an assimilated Jew married a non-Jew .Therefore,if true,Anthony (not a Jewish name) is NOT a Jew. If he’s not a Jew,it is good he is not marrying a Jewess.

  5. I have no idea why Yeshiva Wold had to put this on. Does anybody care? I think it is a chillul Hashem to put this on yeshiva world. People look at it and say a jew marrying a muslim?

  6. Where did you see sinah? If you did then maybe it isn’t chinam! We are either dealing with a Goy orr a boel aramis. Kanaim pogim bo!!!!!!!

  7. …and usually as the process continues for the next few years, she will go out of her way now to strengthen her muslim roots, while he does the opposite to his…

  8. No surprise here. He apparently has a liking for muslim women – he was previously dating Kisemah Hamidi (wealthy daughter of a Lebanese businessman). Can’t for the life of me figure this guy out…

  9. It will not take long for pro Israel Weiner to be turned by his probably anti-semetice wife to be against Israel. This post dinner finger licker, yes I saw him after eating a (kosher) sandwich licking his fingers it was so unclassey, must be booted out of politics.

  10. It is also comforforting to know (meant tongue in cheek) that this muslim girl with Pakistani and Saudi roots occupies a position of such great importance (“lynchpin”)in the Secy’ of State’s office.

  11. I agree with #15, why was this newsworthy? and please get the facts straight. Unless you want to say that it’s MORE newsworthy if he’s a (non-jewish) defender of Israel in Congress and that might change if he marries her…? but please don’t run the story saying he’s Jewish.

  12. I googled every which way: “Anthony Weiner,” “Frances Weiner” (his mother), “Jewish,” “convert,”
    etc. I have not been able to discover any information about his mother’s background or alleged Conservative conversion. So, for all those claiming that Anthony Weiner is not Jewish, can you please reveal your source? It’s rather important that this story is reported accurately.

  13. Anthony Weiner never impressed me as a person of substance, just a person of opportunity. and a liberal one at that. The Jewish community was his springboard into the forefront of politics.

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