PHOTOS: Thousands Use Misaskim Sifrei Torah On Taanis

137.JPGClick HERE to see photos taken last week on Thursday evening, when thousands of people stopped at the Sloatsburg Rest Area on the NYS Thruway to Daven Mincha & Maariv.

Misaskim graciously brought 3 Sifrei Torah for the public to use on the Taanis.


5 Responses

  1. I really dont understand this at all. Is it bakovodik to lein from a sefer torah in a gas station? Why is this so beautiful? is it so urgent that all these members of klal yisroel need to travel to the country and cannot possibly arrange their travel time around minyanim… its insane. What if Chas veshalom Misaskim ran out of sifrei torah for a bais avel because people had a desperate need to stop at sloatsburg to daven. i totally disagree with this entire situation. especially the chillul hashem it has made in the past years. Klal Yisroel should learn an important lesson from going to the country. That we are visitors here not the baal habayis. and should act accordingly.

  2. Maybe their should be organized early “minyonim” in the city shuls for travelers where people can stop before leaving the city, just like there are grocery stores which prepare country orders for people who travel to the country,or maybe the grocery stores can offer mincha service when orders are picked up

  3. I’m sure Misaskim knows the halachos and are in full compliance with them, but I thought Sifrei Torah don’t just travel for convenience. (How) is this not an issue here? Can anyone elucidate the relevant halchos?

  4. Shoen, men tit a gitta zach and everyone is bellyaching.
    You work till 7pm, catch a mincha in the city, you will not catch maariv in the country in order to finish maariv before the fast is over. There were minyunim mincha and maariv till late.
    Keep up the GOOD WORK
    Tizki L’Mizvois!!!

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