Thompson Begins Five-Borough Campaign Tour

thomp.jpgMayoral candidate and City Comptroller William Thompson stepped up his campaign with a five-week, five-borough tour.

The blitz kicked off in Brooklyn on Saturday where Thompson grew up.

The comptroller criticized Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s recent authorization of pay raises for thousands of city workers, including many City Hall staffers.

“If you look him charging homeless families to live in homeless shelters and the rise of homelessness and at the same point giving raises to those at the top. I mean, those that are making more than $200,000. They need more during these tough times?” said Thompson. “And you’re making cuts to city government. You’re laying people off and you’re giving raises? I think it’s disgraceful. I think it’s offensive. And I think it’s absolutely the wrong thing to do but it also shows how Mike Bloomberg doesn’t understand what’s happening in this city.”

Thompson will be meeting with community members and small business owners.

He recently won the endorsement of the Working Families Party.

A Bloomberg spokesman pointed out that Thompson ran on the Working Families line in 2001 and 2005.

(Source: NY1)

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