PHOTOS: ATV Accident In Monticello

88.jpg5:25PM EST: A 37-year-old male was just seriously inured in an ATV accident in Monticello.

Sources tell YWN that the victim was riding on some trails at the Concord Hotel, when he fell off the ATV. Catskills Hatzolah was dispatched, and due to his injuries, paramedics requested a Medevac to have him transported to a Trauma Center.

The Chopper landed at the Apollo Mall, and he was transported to the Westchester County Trauma Center in serious but stable condition.

Click HERE for photos.

(YWN Sullivan County News Team – 2009)

12 Responses

  1. Attn YWN:

    1) he’s ok, he was able walk home after the accident, but he complained that his back hurt him.

    2) He’s 31

    3) Stable and stable condition.

    – a family member

  2. actually its totally accurate, as i was on the scene.
    the only part which ywn failed to mention, is that he was dragged back to nachaley emunah on joyland road with a possible spinal fracture!


    also, he had dimished lung sounds, which is a sign of a serious chest injury.

    the story is totally accurate.

    ywn, ignore these people and continue your great job reporting accurate info!

  3. 2, Use your saychil but when the report comes over the wire like that…. ATV accident… chopper… transported to Westchester, what do want them to say? He was sitting eathing cholent???!!

  4. Attn 3&4 (and YWN)

    He’s on the way home.

    Everyting is fine b”h.

    He was in a hotel for Shabbos because the hospital dismissed him early friday night.

  5. Att 7:

    posting at 10:10pm friday night????

    please explain….

    Moderators Note: stam2hack, get a calandar, and check your dates before making a fool of yourself.

  6. Sorry #3, but he didn’t fracture his spine and he didn’t injure his lungs.

    Sorry that your version of accurate info didn’t become true.

    May you change to become a ohev yisrael.

    Oh, and its not a good idea to use the nickname retards upon normal people.

    שבוע טוב – בשורות טובות

  7. bh
    listwn up everyone we just startded the 3 weeks and things r happening, bh this one turned out for the good, but let us all be carefull and stay safe so something like this or anything else shouldnt happen again.

    a gut voch!

  8. #9, he did have dimished lung sounds, and did have suspected spinal inj and that’s why they called for a chopper.

    the story is 100% accurate.

    If there was nothing wrong, then why did two seasoned paramedics think that there was?

    boruch hashem he is fine, but the fact is that the story is totally accurate.

    noone gets flown to a trauma center for no reason.

    get off your high horsey

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