Paterson To Ask Judge To Freeze Senators’ Pay

paterson.jpgGovernor David Paterson is heading to court today to ask a judge if he can legally hold the paychecks of New York State senators who have been battling over leadership for nearly a month.

This comes as the governor is reportedly telling his own party members they may want to accept turncoat State Senator Pedro Espada Jr in a top position.

Republicans named Espada Senate president after he and fellow Democrat Hiram Monserrate voted with the GOP during its power grab June 8th. Monserrate returned to support his party, creating a 31-31 stalemate, but Espada has remained a staunch supporter of the Republican coalition.

Democrats have refused to recognize Espada as Senate president.

In today’s New York Daily News, Paterson says it may be time for Democrats to accept Espada in the role as a way to break the legislative logjam. And Espada tells the News that Democratic opposition to the idea of him as Senate president is weakening.

Senators are set to hold another special session this afternoon.

Yesterday’s session, which was ordered by the governor, lasted just three minutes, and no bills were passed or discussed.

Spokespeople for both parties say negotiations to end the dispute are ongoing.

Paterson has been trying to mediate the leadership battle. But he’s also trying to make clear to voters that he’s taking a tough stance. He may go out on a statewide tour this week to turn up the heat on lawmakers and get them back to work.

(Source: NY1)

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