NYPD Report Lays Out Anti-Terror Building Security

nypd.gifThe New York Police Department is providing owners of high-profile buildings with a playbook for preventing terrorist attacks.

The 100-page book is designed to help building owners assess the risks to the property and to integrate better security into architectural designs.

Among the recommendations are sealing off air conditioning and ventilation systems to prevent chemical or biological attacks and controlling access to entrances.

The report does not cite specific buildings at risk for terrorist attacks.

Copies of the book will be handed out today at police headquarters and at a conference for real estate owners and private security personnel.

The report is also available on the NYPD’s webpage.

Meanwhile, both the House of Representatives and the Senate are creating proposals to have the Department of Homeland Security provide anti-terrorism money to the city through the “Securing the Cities” initiative.

The House’s version is offering $40 million and the Senate’s version offers $10 million.

(Source: NY1)

One Response

  1. Maybe the Police should check if they have enough jail cells to accommodate everyone they plan to arrest?!

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