A Message from Rabbi Michoel Rottenberg: Please Help a Lonely Orphan Girl to Get Married.


Dear Donors,

With utmost gratitude, I would like to personally thank you for your generous support and overwhelming response, towards the campaign I launched two weeks ago, on behalf of Esther W, a lonely orphan girl from Yerushalayim.

Already as a young child, Esther suffered from tragedy. Being a child of divorced parents made her taste a bitter experience at a young age. As an only child to her parents, it created an additional challenge for her to cope with.

Living all those years with her father by her grandparents in an unstable environment, was not to her benefit at all.

Her father was the only person in the world that brought her happiness and joy. A few years ago, her father suddenly passed away at the young age of 47. Pained by the loss of her beloved father, leaving her all alone to cope with the tragedy, Esther was at the edge of despair.

Dear Readers, Esther wants to get married. She wants to move on in life. Esther wants to experience joy and happiness. But without basic necessities, and minimal funds, Esther cannot move on.

With no parents to take care of her, and with no immediate family to look after her, let’s all step in and help her fulfill her dreams of building a Bayis Ne’eman Beyisroel.

I’m exceptionally positive, that with such an incredible start,  Be’ezras Hashem with the help of you all, we will reach our goal in no time!

Please take an active role in this project and help spread the word by sharing Esther’s story with your friends and family.

With great Hakoras Hatov,

Michoel Rottenberg

Campaign endorsed By Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky and Rabbi Ahron Leib Steinman Shlita.

To donate online please click here or visit us at KerenEsther.com

To donate over the phone please call: 1-908-670-1577

Checks could me made out too:

Keren Esther W.

1455 Heathwood Ave

Lakewood NJ 08701

Donations are Tax-Deductible

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