Tefillos for Bochrim in Japan

jail.jpgWhile little is heard in the media, the trials of two of the three yeshiva bochrim imprisoned in Japan are onging and they are in need of Am Yisrael’s tefillos.

The pre-trilas will take place today, Wednesday, July 1st and Thursday, July 2nd, 11:00am (5:00am Israel and 10:00pm NYC on the previous day) and 1:00pm Japanese local time, (GMT +9). Eretz Yisrael is GMT +2.

The tzibur is asked to daven for Yaakov Yosef ben Reizal and Yoel Ze’ev ben Mirel Risa Chava.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. we must all cryout to Hakodosh Baruch Hu.
    If you read the article about the prison,
    you would not sleep at night. Nebach.
    Everyone has an achryius to do whatever to
    help these boys.

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