Supreme Court Rules 9/11 Families Cannot Sue Saudi Royals

9-11.jpgThe U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that families of September 11th victims cannot file a lawsuit against the Saudi royal family.

The high court upheld an appeals court decision that victim’s families cannot pursue lawsuits since the Saudis are protected by sovereign immunity, which prevents foreign countries from being sued in U.S. courts.

Nearly 6,000 plaintiffs had planned to sue, claiming money from Saudi Arabia and four of its princes ended up in the hands of Al Qaida members.

(Source: NY1)

5 Responses

  1. for the same reason that Palestinians who houses get knocked down can’t sue the Israelis in American courts — though in the 9-11 case people could sue American based charities if they can prove they were behind 9-11 (which is doubtful).

    It should be noted that according to most sources,
    Osama Bin Laden was hiding in central Asia since the Saudi royal family wants to execute him (the feeling is mutual), so the liklihood of any Saudi prince funding Al Qaida is somewhat fanciful (sort of like hearing that some Reform Jews want to fund the Eidas Hareidos, except that Arabs use guns and we use dirty diapers).

  2. The main reason is the US and SAUDIS are bosom buddies, and the US wants to SEE NO EVIL,HEAR NO EVIL & surely SPEAK NO EVIL about their oiliest and best friends.

  3. the saudis are Bush’s best friends. he held hands and french kissed the saudi prince numerous times on our white house lawn.

    Why can’t they use the foreign sovereign immunities act ?

  4. To “Poshuta Yid” (comment #1): if you truly believe the Obama administration or supporters feel the Saudis deserve a medal for the September 11th attacks, please — this is urgent — get professional help as soon as possible. Your rage has already begun to destroy your intelligence. Untreated it will destroy you and those around you before it so much as bends a single blade of grass.

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