Monsey Child In Critical Condition After Being Rescued From Pool

SOL.gifPlease be Mispalel for Yitzchok ben Chana, a 2 1/2 -year-old boy, who was pulled from a private house pool & revived on Sunday by Monsey Hatzolah. The child was R”L listed as critical at the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla.

The family and friends had been swimming in a backyard pool on Carleton Road and Maple Avenue, Detective Sgt. John Lynch told The Journal News.

After they all went into the house, the 2 1/2 -year-old boy apparently snuck out of the house and went back into the pool, Lynch said.

After several minutes, the child’s mother noticed he was missing and went looking for him, Lynch said.

They searched the house and then found the child face down in the pool and called Hatzolah & Police.

“The child didn’t want to get out of the pool when they brought him back into the house,” Lynch said. “The child was tenacious enough and left the house and went into the pool.”

Hatzolah transported the child to Good Samaritan Hospital and revived him along the way. He was then airlifted from the hospital to the Westchester Medical Center.

(Moshe Altusky – YWN /

21 Responses

  1. Where are the alarms that are supposed to be in place when you have a ppol in your house?
    A pool is a hugh achrayes and must be secured properly, especially if you have minors in the house. Not sure what the laws are ib Monsey.

  2. # 1 Amen

    # 2 You can’ t really be an Orthodox Jew. Your brilliant (sic) aitza at a time like this is misplaced. I suggest you open up “The Gates of Repentance” and spend the next month giving yourself Musser since you enjoy dishing it out at such an inappropriate time. Maybe next time, IF you actually learn something, you will think twice instead of posting insensitive messages in this web site for everyone to see.

    # 1 correctly demonstrates the correct and appropriate action- Prayer to Hashem. You should learn from this example.

  3. AlanH923 — you are right and wrong. we all wish Yitzchak ben chana a refuah sheleimah bkorov. we should all daven and say tehillim, which i will b”n do. At the same time one is allowed to make people that have pools aware of a system to assist that this doesnt happen again. you must do your hishtadlus – venishmartem meod lenafshoseichem.

  4. there are alarms on doors that beep when someone opens a door and goes out, there are gates that can be put around pools, there are pool covers which can be pulled over pools (hard ones that people can walk) – all this to prevent drowning. It is true that now is not the time to tell the family what it could have done. Still, it is very important for people to really understand how dangerous pools are and to take the proper precautions. A kid can wander away for just a couple of minutes and G-d forbid can drown.

  5. to # 3, nassau county requires that all pools have alarms. these are one arm battery triggered reverse ‘l ‘ shaped that go into the poool when the pool is vacated . they sit along the pool with the ‘l’ cone in the water. if a child goes into the water, an alarm is triggered and sounds also in the house.
    of course, the best solution is to have a mechanical cover of the pool that no one may enter unless the cover is removed . the older type pools are odd shaped , thus , not conducive for this covering. the alarm is good and rather inexpensive.
    i hope we dont hear of any other such misfortunes.

  6. Thank you for agreeing with me.
    I am not minimizing the need for teffila, Chas V’sholem. I am just saying as many of the other readers are saying that you have to take precautionsif you want such a danger in your house.
    This goes the same to people talking on their cellphones or texting while they are driving or pushing a child in a cvarriage and having no clues about their sorroundings.
    I hope that this was not the case here.

  7. Cut it out, the possible cause 4 tradgedies like these r machlokes in klay yisreael. By korach even little chidren were swallowed up. Rashi says it shows power of machlokes ! So stop fighting!!!!

  8. About 2 years ago a simmilar thing happened to a 4 year old Ruchama Aliza Sara Chana bat Ester Liba in Florida. Does anyone know of her current condition ?

  9. Please keep us posted on the condition of this boy. We have a long Tehilim chain and we like to know that our Teffillos help!
    Yes, we also should polish up our Ahavas Yisroel, as #11 mentioned…

  10. I just saw a study done by 4 professors/doctors in Israel (one of them being an Arab & the others, far from religious), who studied 8,000 patients, half of whom were given a certain treatment & the other half were not. Their conclusion was that although they didn’t understand why the treatment worked, they saw a significant improvement in those patients to whom it was administered, vs those to whom it was not given, especially those with cancer & heart problems. What was the treatment ? Saying a mishebeirach in shul for those patients, without the patients knowing that it was done (to avoid phsycologicaly influencing the patients) !!!

  11. Baruch Hashem, the child is making progress. however since he is not yet out of the critical stage he is still in need of your tefillot . the family wants to thank everyone for their tefillot and well wishes. Besorot Tovot!

  12. everyone… cut it out… unfortunately it happened so instead of researching it take out a tehillim and daven…o and btw stop judging while ur @ it…

  13. Hi this is Esther Ruchama Alizas mom, In answer to some of your comments/ questions Thank g-d Aliza is doing well and is at home with us. She still remains in a coma and on a vent but she has made lots of progress. She is amazingly currently responding to some commands and breathing above the vent. We are in the process of trying to wean her off. We are working hard with many different therapies and stimulation. She is making slow progress with all this. We are thankful B”H everyday for having her. We thank everyone for their continued tfilos and ask to please continue to daven for her. She has come a long way but still has a long way to go. Tfilos are the most important. Our family is doing great B”H and are very happy. We are davening for yitzchak ben Chana and hope to hear good news soon.

    Esther Schwab

  14. UPDATE: Thank you for all the tefilot the Baby Boy that fell into the pool – Second test results came back perfect & the Baby is 100% healthy –
    We should only have Semachot

  15. I just spoke to a close family member of the boy and I was told that he still needs your tfilos! Baruch Hashem the tests came out good, but he has a long recovery ahead, and he’s not in the clear yet. Please keep davening for Yitzchak ben Chana.

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