Bloomberg: Call Your Do-Nothing NYS Senators At 3AM

bloomberg4.jpgMayor Bloomberg today offered to not only give angry constituents the phone numbers of their do-nothing state senators, but also said he’d give out their home addresses.

Bloomberg spoke via video conferencing to a tech conference this morning.

“We’ll give you the numbers of the senators assuming everybody promises to call them at 3 in the morning,” said the mayor.

“I can do one better. We should give you their addresses so you can stand outside their houses. That would really make a dent.”

The mayor’s been lambasting the senate because his control of New York City’s schools is set to expire Wednesday morning at midnight if the senate doesn’t vote to extend it.

Mayor Bloomberg joined forces yesterday with Gov. Paterson and teachers-union head Randi Weingarten, who both urged the deadlocked state Senate to put aside partisan differences and pass a bill to extend City Hall’s control of education — instead of plunging the school system into chaos by letting the current law lapse at midnight Wednesday morning.

(Source: NY Post)

6 Responses

  1. What Bloomberg is suggesting, is very dangerous and totally irresponsible! I’m upset just like everyone else with these do nothing Senators, but to give out to the general public – private phone #’s & addresses is reckless! If they are not doing what they are being paid to do, by the public, then they should be fired! Will Bloomberg take responsibility if a family member of one of these Senator’s gets injured by some nut case who now has their home address?!
    Why don’t we get Bloombergs private home phone # & cell phone?
    This just goes to show again how terribly arrogant & out of touch with the average New Yorker this “man” is! We must throw him (and his lackeys) out of office!

  2. The traditional way of dealing with such fools is to vote them out of office. Phoning people at 3 a.m. is naarishkeit (foolishness), and it is dismaying to see leader acting like fools.

  3. I totally agree that we need to call our Senators but responsibly. I called and emailed my Senator this morning. They all deserve to be thrown out and a new emergency election should be called.
    How dare they vote (the only bill voted on) to continue their salary.
    Bloomberg is annoyed that they are not continuing to give HIM the power over the Board of Ed tht he has had and is due to expire tomorrow at midnight.
    Many parents feel that HE should not have the control over the Moard of Ed.

  4. Calm down.

    1) Blummy was only joking.

    2) This deadlock kept the toeva bill out of the senate! I think it has or will expire any day now and so they will have to start from square 1.

  5. actually mr bloomberg the less government operates the better it is for the people. so us people are very happy about this whole debacle understandably your irate over this because you like power and control

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