Tragic Petira Of R’ Chesky Ehrenfeld Z”L

candle9.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira of R’ Chesky Ehrenfeld Z”L, 36-years-old, who suffered a massive heart attack while driving with his family in his car.

Chezkel was returning from Montreal to New York with his wife and 6, when he suffered a heart attack, and veered off the NY State Thruway between Exits 16 &17 (New Windsor, NY). Emergency services performed CPR on him, but sadly, he was R”L pronounced dead.

Chesky Ehrenfeld resided in Boro Park, was the son-in-law of Chazzan Yaakov Unger of Williamsburg, and was a member of the Satmar community in Boro Park.

Levaya details will be posted as soon as the are made available to us.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. Baruch Dayan Emes!!
    A Tzadik of a mensch! I knew him personally May hashem fill our hearts with nechama and only good news should be heard! Amen!!!

  2. boruch dayan emes..its a great tragedy especially at such a young age with so many yesomin to be raised. may hashen give this noble family a nechama.

  3. I hope he had Life Insurance.

    Why r people always thinking “it won’t happen to me?”
    Life Insurance is a most for every father and mother. Its not a luxury.

    Go buy life Insurance today don’t wait even not one day, do it for your children.

    Term Insurance is not expensive and you need to have a minimum of at least a $1,000,000.00

    Pick up your phone now and call your Agent

    Every single father should provide his family with term life insurance, it’s a few hundred dollars a year, that is less than one dollar a day! Failing to provide this is an extreme lack of responsibility, no family should be without this!
    Every young couple should consider this a necessity, from day one! Parents need to do this for their children to start with, and teach them that this is not optional. It is more important than any other expense. Term insurance is cheap, and you do not need an agent or broker. You can buy it yourself. Many brokers don’t push it because commissions are high when selling regular (whole) life insurance. Everyone has to do their research and buy what they can afford. Term is the affordable solution for everyone. And NO, I am not a broker, just a responsible parent that has bought this for all my married couples. It is the most important of all the gifts you give your children.

    Although its not the place here to talk about life insurance, because you have to remember , money is secondery, his family and friends are not crying now about money, there’s a much bigger void then money here, but in general you are still right.

    Whatever insurance he did have, was probably bought after being begged a few times, and maybe even just to get lose from the agent, but I do believe that the agent who ever it is, is being appreciated now

  4. חבל על דאבדין
    He was always being מקרב broken Yidden and made everybody feel good about themselves. May Hashem give nechama for his wife and children, his חשובע עלטערן and טייערע ברודערס.

  5. Sadly, his son, 12 years old, whom he had sent to learn in Eretz Yisroel, was not zocheh to see his father one last time. He learns in class with my son, who told me that his son was going to go back to America the week before the tragedy, but unfortunately technical difficulties prevented his departure. Within a few days his son lost his last chance to see his father alive. What a devastating loss for the child.

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