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Paterson Calls For Sunday Session For NY Senate

albany5.jpgGov. David Paterson is calling for a rare Sunday session of New York’s Senate after the fractured house again met separately.

Paterson’s order for a Sunday evening session comes after the Senate’s Democratic conference met for three minutes and adjourned Saturday. After the Democratic conference left, the Republican-dominated coalition entered the chamber and met for three minutes.

With the Senate split 31-31, members are fighting for control. Paterson is trying to pressure them to meet and pass critical legislation.

His agenda for senators Sunday is to approve several of his appointees and a bill that would prohibit discrimination in housing for victims of domestic abuse.

Paterson said the senators were derelict in their duty and promised to cut off millions of dollars in pork-barrel projects known as “member items” until the Senate gets its house in order.

He also ordered state officials to find a way to cut off senators’ paychecks and their reimbursement for expenses.

(Source: CBS2 HD)

One Response

  1. Does anyone really care what Paterson has to say? Every time I hear him on the radio he sounds like he is ready to bust out crying!

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