WATCH: Rabbi Gamliel Rabonovitch Speaking Out Against Talking During Davening [PINNED]

11 Responses

  1. That’s why many Botei Midroshim stopped saying all those Mi Shebeirachs in middle of Leining. The Mi Shebeirachs are all social politics done in front of the Sefer Torah in middle of Davening.

  2. Right. The Mi Shebeirachs are a way of being Mifarsim, who is your friend and whom you don’t want as a friend. Very tasteless and nasty. A real Bezoyoin to our Teffilos.

  3. Rav Gamliel is one of this generations real tzaddikim. He is wholly unappreciated by most people. His grasp on what is really important in life and his ability to connect to people and impart those secrets is unbelievable.

  4. To #7
    A simple translation is, that, the Mi Shebeirachs take away the spiritual feeling of the Kedusha of Davening. Once people lose their inspiration, they will Shmooze.

  5. To #7 This is what he said that last parsha it says that eisav made fun of the bchora and sold it to Yaakov, he asked are we like eisav or Ch”V Worse when we davin in shall and someone comes over to you and starts talking he takes away a amen or more from you when it says such big things on saying amen in Zohar so is he like eisav or worse because eisav got at least some good food and drinks and what is he getting for talking anything?

  6. Translation in english!

    My dear friends – I love you heart and soul! I am telling you – I am bound to – I love you!

    This week was Parshas Toldos and we learned with the children that Eisav embarrassed the bechora and every child makes fun of Eisav on how he took and embarassed the bechora. We know that the Torah is telling us mussar – every person has to think if he is not worse than Eisav!! Eisav sold the bechora and he at least received bread to eat, lentil soup, and something to drink – Yaakov gave him to eat a feast!

    Yet we sell – nebach – Hashem for nothing!! If we talk in Shul it says in the Zohar we are a “Koifer Mamash – a denier of Hashem’s existence”!! There is no greater “Morid Malchus Shamayim – rebelling against the Heavenly Kingdom” then when we talk in Shul – at the time when we cause Hashem pain and anguish!!

    When your friend comes over and he talks with you – he gives you nothing!! He stole from you an amein, he is a murderer!! He stole from you a baruch hu u’vuruch Shemo, he stole from you a baruch hu – he is a murderer!! And you sold it for less than the value of a bowl of lentil soup!

    So make a clear “cheshbon hanefesh” who is worse – you or Eisav – Hashem yishmoraynu.

    Midah tova me’rubah me’medas paraniyos by 500 times – the measure of good that Hashem metes out is five hundred times greater than the measure of punishment. The reward in Gan Eden for a mitzvah is 500 hundred times greater than the punishment for a sin in Gehenom. So if a person will be careful from here on in – I DON’T WANT TO BE AN EISAV – I don’t want to sell (my Olam Habbah) for nothing! I will answer every Amein, every YeHay Shemay Rabbah, I don’t talk!

    In Shulchan Aruch it says about talking in Shul “Gadol Avono Me’neso – Go’arim Bo – The sin is too great to bear and we scream at the sinner”. If you don’t talk in Shul, it will be a great “zechus”, a great mitzvah, and in that merit all your prayers will be heard. It’s greater than all the brochos from Tzaddikim, all the (prayers at) Kiverei Tzaddikim, all the Tehillim that you say! The teffilos that you daven that is the main thing!

    Don’t be fools, don’t let others steal from you, you are not Eisav! You are not selling for nothing.

    In that merit you will have bracha and hatzlacha! I give you a guarantee by Hashem Yisborach – he who guards his mouth from talking during davening, Hashem will take to his teffilos! Amein, v’Amein!

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