Prescriptions: Not Just for Medications (Part 1)

AFG4.jpgThe dictionary defines a prescription as “a written order, especially by a physician, for the preparation and administration of a medicine or other treatment.” Most of us associate a prescription with a slip of paper that your doctor gives you. You take that slip of paper to your local pharmacy and receive medications from the myriad of drugs that exist today for just about anything that ails you – from the common cold to heart disease. Drugs can eliminate a severe headache, bring relief from seasonal allergies, alleviate symptoms and in some instances, even cure illnesses. However, the word “prescription” is not limited to drugs; it applies to exercise as well. Many physicians are now beginning to prescribe exercise routines in conjunction with or instead of medications for their patients. While exercise is a key ingredient in disease prevention, it has also been proven in recent years that exercise also can play a major role in the treatment of many ailments that have previously been treated with medication alone. How does exercise fit into both overall wellness and curing or controlling various diseases?

Dr. Jeremiah Stamler is an epidemiologist and world-renowned expert on cardiovascular disease.. He is a major proponent of using diet and exercise in place of medication.  In an interview with Nutrition Action Magazine last year, Dr. Stamler asserted that the heart disease epidemic in the United States could virtually be ended.  He maintains that following the “DASH” diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), which includes a low sodium intake in conjunction with an adequate exercise program, can significantly lower one’s blood pressure and cholesterol.  Dr. Stamler also maintains that diet, exercise and reduced smoking are enough to cut risk.  He states that for the tens of millions of people on statin (cholesterol- lowering) drugs and blood pressure medications, these medications will not end the epidemic.  They are costly, have side effects and ameliorate but do not cure the underlying problem.  Although these drugs are certainly a necessity in many cases, and outweigh any risk of NOT taking them, drugs alone are not the answer. Their popularity is a result of a society that wants its problems solved by pills.  If your doctor prescribes medication for you, follow his advice, but at the same time, ask him about establishing a comprehensive plan which includes diet AND exercise.

Hashem gives us the gift of a healthy body and expects us to do our utmost to maintain our health.   The pasuk in Parshas V’eschanan, “V’nishmartem Meod L’Nafshoseichem”,  clearly states in Chapter 4 that a Jew is obligated to take care of his own body.  The pasuk includes the word “me’od” or “very much.”  The Ohr Tzadikim, in his commentary, says that this word is included because if one doesn’t take care of himself physically and becomes ill, his “nefesh” – his soul and spirit – will become weak, thus hampering his ability to serve Hashem.. We can all exercise and be more active in order to be able to be healthy both physically and spiritually. Exercise (together with good nutrition), is the best way to maintain both your physical health and your spiritual well-being.

Next week, we will look at some common ailments and see how exercise can contribute to the prevention, cure or at the very least, lessen the effects of these diseases.

(to be the continued)

For previous columns, click HERE.

Alan Freishtat is an *ACE-CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER, LIFESTYLE FITNESS COACH and WEIGHT LOSS COUNSELOR with over 10 years of professional experience, whose success rate in weight loss exceeds the industry standard.  He is the director of the Jerusalem-based weight reduction clinic “Lose It!”.  Alan is available for private consultations, assessments and personalized workout programs.  He also conducts group lectures, seminars and workshops.
Office: 972-2-651-8502 / Cellular: 972-50-555-7175 / email: [email protected]

(Alan Freishtat – YWN)

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