Planning Commission Approves Coney Island Redevelopment

cyc.jpgThe NYC Planning Commission voted today, 12-0, in favor of a plan to redevelop Coney Island.

There was one abstention from a new commissioner who joined the board two weeks ago.

Supporters say the 19-block plan creates thousands of housing units and much-needed jobs. In addition, supporters say it preserves Coney Island’s position as an amusement park district.

 A 27-acre amusement and entertainment district with housing and hotels is planned for the site.

“It will create about 4,500 units of housing and 900 affordable units,” said NYC Department of Planning Chairwoman Amanda Burden. “In the entertainment and amusement district, it will preserve, in perpetuity, the open amusement area rides that everyone knows and loves.”

But while some amusement park experts are rallying behind the plan, and even offered advice on how to make it a year-round destination with indoor attractions, the major opponents say the plan needs more rides and bigger amusements.

Other critics charge the plan does not include enough affordable housing, and the new jobs do not meet wage and benefits standards.

The city has been disputing with developer Joe Sitt, who owns about 10 acres of waterfront property, to move forward with the plan. Sitt says he wants to develop the property himself. He had been in talks with the city to sell his land, which includes the site of the Astroland amusement park.

The local community board and Borough President Marty Markowitz back the plan.

The plan must now go to the City Council for another vote.

(Source: NY1)

One Response

  1. If he is asking for approval, rather than for an appropriation – why delay? New York City is in desperate need for private sector developments.

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