Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch Hospitalized

koch.jpgFormer New York City Mayor Ed Koch has been hospitalized ahead of a procedure to increase blood flow to his heart.

A spokesman for the 84-year-old says he was scheduled to undergo a coronary angioplasty on Monday at New York Presbyterian Hospital. That’s when doctors discovered a damaged valve that was put in place after the three-term mayor suffered a heart attack in 1999.

Koch is expected to stay at the hospital and will undergo surgery later this week or early next week.

6 Responses

  1. In April 2008, Koch announced that he had secured a burial plot in Manhattan’s non-denominational Trinity Cemetery, stating that “the idea of leaving Manhattan permanently irritates me,” and that he hoped not to use the plot “for another 8-10 years.” For the inscription on his memorial stone, Koch has requested that the marker will bear the Star of David and a Hebrew prayer, “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.” It also will be inscribed with the last words of journalist Daniel Pearl before he was murdered by terrorists in 2002: “My father is Jewish. My mother is Jewish. I am Jewish.” Koch explained that he had been moved that Pearl chose to affirm his faith and heritage in his last moments.

  2. Re comment #5 – Being “Jewish” to Koch is not the same as being Jewish to HaSh-m. Koch is “Jewish” (technically yes, being from a Jewish mother) as in “Jewish-style”, as in liking matza balls and gefilte fish. The fact that he wants to be buried in a x-tian cemetery says a lot. If you have ever heard him rant against frum Yidden, you know what I mean. No need for areechus, but the facts are known…

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