Tom Golisano: Why I Did It

tgal.jpgThe following opinion article was written by Tom Galisano, and appears in Sunday’s NY Post:

As with any true reform, not everyone is happy. When the process of changing the Senate began it was met by attempts to close down the motion, a failed attempt to adjourn, the turning off of lights, the cessation of the live video feed and finally an attempt to get state troopers to clear the room. These were disappointing reactions to the will of 32 democratically elected senators finally doing the right thing. Any other subsequent legal action will be nothing but a distraction from doing the people’s business. Rather than attack this coalition, the press and public should give them an opportunity to deliver on these promises.

Responsible New York was founded to fight for reform without regard to party. We did that by helping to bring together an historical coalition that passed remarkable reforms. Of course, this coalition is fragile and there are strong special interests pushing back to protect the status quo.

I have made only one promise to these legislators. It is the same promise I made when we began Responsible New York: to stand with anyone who will fight for reform. Politicians make promises. But I am proud to stand with this bipartisan coalition because they are actually doing something real and tangible about it.

New York has the highest rate of migration of any state in the nation. In fact, people are leaving New York at a rate that is 50% higher than Massachusetts, which has the second highest rate. When more people are leaving than coming in, even politicians should recognize something is wrong. This is a first step — a small but important step — in changing that.

After the headlines and sensational reporting about control and legislative maneuvering there are to key things that happened:

*The New York State Senate now has a bipartisan government unique in our history for putting ideas above partisanship.

*This coalition already delivered real reform that promotes democracy, encouraging new and smarter ideas and an opportunity to change New York.

Together, this has a real chance to break the political stranglehold that special interests have in Albany. These changes are revolutionary by Albany standards but only, in truth, a beginning. But it is a beginning that may lead to a more responsive government.

One important concrete change is that with these rules, reforms and coalition government, all 62 senators will play a role in negotiating the next budget. That means in one fell swoop one of the infamous “three men in the room” is gone. Who’s next? Hopefully there are some members of the state Assembly who are willing to put reform above party and the people above politics.

Tom Golisano is a former candidate for governor, co-owner of the Buffalo Sabres and founder of Responsible New York.

(LINK to NY Post)

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