‘Matzo Rabbi’ In Monroe Under Fire Again For Home Oven

mov.jpgThe Times Herald Record reports:

MONROE — After winning a protracted battle to bake matzos in his home, Herman Wagschal, otherwise known as the “matzo rabbi,” is in danger again of losing his oven, as well as the garage built illegally to house it.

Wagschal has ignored conditions imposed last year allowing him to continue baking matzos for Congregation Lanzut, the synagogue and shul he operates on the first floor of his 16 Lanzut Court home.

The town Zoning Board of Appeals approved a variance for the garage and oven, despite knowing of Wagschal’s repeated failure to follow town building laws in constructing his synagogue, garage and the matzo oven.

Wagschal’s story raised public ire when it was discovered that his garage and matzo oven were actually built to start a business under the guise of religious freedom. Wagschal and his attorneys claimed the ZBA must allow the oven or risk violating land-use discrimination laws.

The ZBA disagreed but allowed the garage — which failed to meet a setback requirement — on the condition that Wagschal not use the matzo oven for business and that the rabbi bring the garage up to electric and fire safety code within a month of the variance being issued.

Almost a year later, the building still fails to meet code requirements, and Wagschal’s neighbor, Eli Neuhauser, claims to have proof that the rabbi is back to selling his matzos for profit. Wagschal could not be reached for comment.

A town justice can order Wagschal’s garage and matzo oven demolished for failing to meet the safety codes that were a part of the conditions for the variance, Building Inspector William Muente said.

A court appearance is scheduled for July 8.

Meanwhile, Muente must also address Wagschal about a shed he recently built without a building permit.


2 Responses

  1. Monroe is sounding more and more like enclaves in Israel. Isn’t there a mayor in Monroe that teachings laws, rules and regulations that the residents are obligated to listen to? KY has bbeen in the news just too many times.

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