TEHILLIM – Flatbush Yungerman Critical From Flu

tehillim.jpg[Click on image to ENLARGE] Chaim Dovid ben Leah, a choshuvah yungerman from Flatbush who is a father of two, is R”L listed in critical condition following an onset of flu symptoms last week. After a day or two the situation worsened and he began having difficulty breathing.

He was admitted to Maimonides Hospital on June 5th and placed in the I.C.U. A day later He was placed on a respirator but his situation did not improve.

The name Chaim was added to his name Dovid.

Early morning Wednesday June 10 he was transferred to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, one of the only hospitals in the country utilizes a special treatment known as Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) for adults.

Unfortunantly, his situation remains very critical.

Thousands of Jewish men, women, and children are storming the heavens with extra Tzedakah, Tefilohs, Tehillim, and acts of chesed for a refuah shleima for CHAIM DOVID BEN LEAH.

Gedolim have suggested to the family, that as a special zchus for the choleh, whoever can should accept Shabbos five minutes earlier than usual and mention the name CHAIM DOVID BEN LEAH LIREFUAH SHLEIMA.

May he have a speedy recovery along with all other Choley Yisroel.

(Meir Lewittes – YWN)

10 Responses

  1. Please Please Please, anyone who reads this please say some tehillim lrefuah shleima for Chaim Dovid ben Leah,
    Every Tefilah helps including yours

  2. there are many people who are being mekabel shabbos 5 minutes early as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah if you could pass this on to as many people as possible

  3. In yeshiva Tal Torah of flatbush (a.k.a. Rav Lederman shlit”as Yeshiva, which Chaim Dovid ben Leah nemetsky practically single handedly was miyased, located at 1370 Coney Island Ave.) the lights in Beis medrash have not gone off since sunday night – there have been people learning and saying Tehillim in his Beis medrash l’zechus Refuah Shleima for CHAIM DOVID BEN LEAH for the past 110 consecutive hours without Hefsek. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu hear our pleas and send Chaim Dovid Ben Leah a Refuah Shleima Bekarov maher.

  4. CHAIM DOVID BEN LEAH is a real “Klal” person constantly doing toivos and chassadim for others -please daven for him.

  5. In the Five towns community we have the same situation with Richie Hagler who is the executive director of Halb. Anyone who knows Richie will attest to the fact that he is a real “mensch” and a Tzaddik. Due to the critical nature of his illnes a name was also added to him. Please include in your tefilos also CHAIM Yitzhok Yehoshua ben Yehudis, and may Hashem bring a speedy Refua to both
    A giten Shabbes

  6. Early shabos is on for me and my mthr and may all of klal yisroel that needs a refuah shela have it by the time shabos comes in shabos he milizok urefuah shelma krova lavo may we only share mazel tovs on yw from now on

  7. We continue to daaven for a refuah shelayma for Chaim Dovid ben Leah and Chaim Yitzchok Yehoshua ben Yehudis.
    Please let us know how they are doing! Besuros tovos.

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