Shooting At Washington Holocaust Museum; Guard Killed [UPDATED]

ywbn12.gifThere has been a shooting at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C, multiple media outlets report.

According to a CBS report, at least two people have been shot at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

D.C. police spokeswoman Traci Hughes says a person walked into the museum with a rifle and shot a guard. Hughes says the shooter was also shot.

Hughes says the victims’ conditions were not known. Both were being rushed to a hospital.

Sources tell YWN that the security guard exchanged fire with the gunman.


Two people were shot when a man with a rifle, reportedly an 88-year-old white supremacist, exchanged fire with security guards at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Wednesday, authorities said.

The gunman was injured, and one guard was injured, but has just expired in the hospital.

The assailant was in critical condition, said Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty.

Police Chief Kathy Lanier said the gunman appeared to have acted alone. He was “engaged by security guards immediately after entering the door” with a rifle, she said, but “the second he stepped into the building he began firing.”

The shooter has been tentatively identified as James von Brunn – allegedly affiliated with white supremacist Web sites, law enforcement officials told CBS News correspondent Bob Orr.

Authorities told the Associated Press von Brunn’s van was located around the museum and was tested for explosives.

U.S. Park Police Sgt. David Schlosser said the suspect walked into the museum with what he described as “long gun” and exchanged fire with security guards. The extent of the injuries weren’t immediately known.

According to a Website featuring von Brunn’s writings, the suspect is described as a World War II veteran and Mensa member who spent over six years in prison after he “attempted to place the treasonous Federal Reserve Board of Governors under legal, non-violent, citizens arrest.”

According to an archived Washington Post story , von Brunn was found guilty in 1983 of attempting to kidnap Federal Reserve officials.

One of his writings advertised on the site was described as a “hard-hitting expose” uncovering a Jewish conspiracy to “destroy the White gene pool.”

Statement by President Obama on Holocaust Museum Shooting:
“I am shocked and saddened by today’s shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. This outrageous act reminds us that we must remain vigilant against anti-Semitism and prejudice in all its forms. No American institution is more important to this effort than the Holocaust Museum, and no act of violence will diminish our determination to honor those who were lost by building a more peaceful and tolerant world.
“Today, we have lost a courageous security guard who stood watch at this place of solemn remembrance. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends in this painful time.”

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

21 Responses

  1. #1)We should be learning Torah every day whenever possible, however who is shoving the Holocaust down anyone’s throat. It is our bitter past and we must never forget.!!!!

  2. To: #1 DovidK – Are YOU SERIOUS? WE are agitating the nations?!? So sorry world for getting murdered and wanting to remember our kedoshim! So sorry world for trying to teach our children AND YOUR CHILDREN what happened so that JUST MAYBE it MIGHT help prevent it from happening again!!! Of course we should sit and learn Torah (a brilliant insight!) but it is “hevel havalim” to (spend money to) have places to remember and learn from what happened in our own parents and grandparents lifetimes??? I hope our memorials to our SIX MILLION KEDOSHIM isn’t too much of an annoyance to “the nations among which we live”!!!

  3. This C’V is only the beginning – As I predicted among our community during the campaign if Hussein is elected. Anti-semitism R’L is now spreading faster than we would like. Currently, in LA there are record-breaking #’s of Olim to EY. It’s amazing to hear that the city loosing out of so many Yids. Is the same thing happening in NY and the east coast? If not? Shouldn’t it?

  4. Dovid, do we forget what the Romans and Greeks did to us? Do we forget what the Cossacks did or how the Crusades affected us?

    Antisemitism doesn’t need an excuse…they may pick a “topic” and run with it, but they are generally hiding behind it.

  5. A person high up in the Department ofHomeland Security told me that the shooter is a white-supremacist. He is an author and prominent web host in the white supremacist movement.

    His thesis is based upon the Talmudic saying of Tov Shebagoyim L’Gehhenom. He was extremely upset that at the same time that Holocaust Museums have “Chassidei Umos Ha’olam” designations, the Talmud apparently disagrees and lumps all Goyim into Gehennom.

    This is the assumption why he specifically targeted the Holocaust museum.

  6. No, it is a sign that a neo-nazi (Y’S) James W. Von Brunn walked into the Holocaust Museum and tried to murder people visiting the museum. He was stopped B’H by the brave security guard who was shot by this animal.

  7. #1 – No its a sign that there are some nutcases (apparently the guy was a reputable Madison Avenue type 40 years ago, was arrested for trying to kidnap the Federal Reserve Board 25 years ago, and at this point is quite advanced in age and probably insance). At least in his old age, the guy has become an infamous racist. With the possible exception of the Capitol, the Holocaust Memorial is the most heavily guarded building on the Mall, which explains how the gunman was immediately shot.

  8. #12, he wasn’t an innocent “cranky zeidy”, he was an anti-semite and white supremicist. You make it sound as if he had a hard day, and decided to shoot. Not so!

  9. Akuperma:

    This is why no one can shut their eyes and make believe everything is okay.

    I knew about this nutcase for a long time, and many others. These nutcases are still around, just not as out front as they were in the 80’s and 90’s. Just like Matthew Hale sitting in Florence Supermax for conspiracy to commit murder on Judge Joan Lefkow; August Kreis (Y’S) and Don Black (Y’S) who run horrible anti-Semitic organizations or Holocaust deniers like Ernst Zundl (Y’S) and David Irving (Y’S).

    All the young people reading this blog, listen to your Rebbeim when they tell you about this issue, it’s not a lie, there are white supremacists out there who hate us, even in 2009.

    (I am sorry if this offends anyone.)

    Answer to Artchill: That is the usual tag line PR the white supremo/Islamic uses to justify their terrorism.

  10. 1,
    How do you think a Holocaust survivor would feel after reading that.? Your an outspoken Jewish Antisemite, and a shame to klaal Yisroel!

  11. #21 – In Weimar Germany the racist politicians were always present, as they were in the Second Reich.
    In America, they are totally marginalized. The German right wing tended to be very tolerant or supportive of anti-Semitism.

    They are a nuisance, but hardly a mortal threat to our survival. The American right-wing considers them to be nutcases (perhaps the difference is the American right wing are Christian dissidents, whereas the German right wing were “official” Christians who saw religion as a function of the state). In any event, the American conservatives aren’t a problem.

  12. oy gvalt why r we fighting amongst ourselves fellow yiddin we need to unite and that way the ribiono shel oilam will hear our tefilos and stop all our tzras bimhaira viyamanu amen

  13. We must realize from #1 statement the lack of education regarding the holocaust instead of fighting and ripping at each others throats let us realize that we all together must raise public awareness about the holocaust we can’t blame anyone for not knowing cause we are the ones to blame we have not instituted in our yeshiva systems a class on the holocaust. As we see lately it has already become accepted quote on quote in our communities to drive around german cars! Can we blame ppl for being so ignorant? No our public awareness about the holocaust keeps on shrinking by the day so instead of fighting let’s all make it our job to instill in our kids all that happened in the holocaust and if we do tht we will never have this painfull discussion ever again!!!!!

  14. I heard from one of the prominent Gedolim, who himself lost almost his entire family in the holocaust, that “Yad Vashem” is counterproductive. It is like scratching a wound; it just makes things worse. It makes Jewish blood cheap. Some Non Jews may walk away with a feeling that if it happened once it won’t be so bad if it happens again, G-d forbid.
    We must remember and study the holocaust from a Torah perspective, but putting it on public display, (sometimes by people trying to get personal gain from it) may not always be achieving the goals that we would like it to.

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