Wright Says ‘Them Jews’ Won’t Let Obama Talk to Him

wo.jpgFOX NEWS REPORTS: In a racially charged interview, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright said that President Obama hasn’t spoken to him since the two parted ways last year, because “them Jews aren’t going to let him talk to me.”

He suggested White House advisers were keeping the two separate.

“Them Jews aren’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter, that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck, or in eight years when he’s out of office,” he said, according to Virginia’s Daily Press. “They will not let him … talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is.”

Obama left Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago last year following the very public controversy over his inflammatory sermons.

Wright sporadically has granted media interviews and made public appearances since. In the Daily Press article, Wright also claimed that the president did not send a delegation to the recent world racism conference in Geneva for fear of offending Jews.

“Ethnic cleansing is going on in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing of the Zionist is a sin and a crime against humanity, and they don’t want Barack talking like that because that’s anti-Israel,” Wright said.

Yet Wright said he doesn’t have any regrets over their severed relationship, according to the article, and that he voted for Obama last November all the same.

“Regret for what … that the media went back five, seven, 10 years and spent $4,000 buying 20 years worth of sermons to hear what I’ve been preaching for 20 years?” he said.

15 Responses

  1. now that we meet the “rosh yeshiva” we understand the ways of the “talmid”!!!! this explains everything in his cairo speech!!!

  2. Ethnic cleansing has gone on in Gaza.
    Now that Gush Katif and other communities have been destroyed, Gaza is completely Judenrein.

  3. This just goes to show that this was his friend and priest before the election. “you are who your friends are” and the only reason they are not “in touch” any more is not because hussein saw his evil ways and not because hussein came to his senses, but because there was too much public pressure that could cost him the campaign. What even more troubeling than Write’s sermons, is who Write is very close to – Luise Farrakan! Yu all startin to see the big picture?

  4. The rat has finally come out of his hole and is talking, and what he has to say is the usual stupid rantings of a fool. I am curious as to how Obama will react to his old friend’s insane rantings…

  5. we tried telling you but you wouldn’t listen.

    BTW, what is the difference between Obama & G-d???
    G-d doesn’t play Obama!

    How is G-d LIKE obama?
    G-d doesn’t have a birth certificate either!

  6. Something tells me that this guy doesn’t know the origins of the expression, “Calling a Spade a Spade”. Shows how intelligent he is.

  7. this guy is an asset too, we should pay him to open his mouth more often, though his breath probably stinks as does what comes out of his mouth.

  8. Ethnic cleansing eh? You mean like expelling Jews from all arab countries? Like no Jews living in Saudi Arabia, Quatar, UAE, Lebanon, Jordan etc. ?

  9. How can everyone continute calling them “good friends…” when Wright himself they are no longer in contact. Wright simply wants his position back in the media spotlight…

  10. rebshalom: Hitler started off as a nonentity. A little corpral. A house painter. Mein Kampf was written while he was in jail. but then, like now, during hard financial times, inflamatory rhetoric and hate speeches find ready audiances.Hitler’s initial policies then were similar to Obama’s now (Democratic Socialism).Hitler had his own car company also.
    Obama’s comparisons of Israeli (and he really means Jewish)treatment of Palestinians to the Holocaust fans the flames of anti-semitism. He, Obama, is promoting hatred of Israel and Jews. And he is following in the steps of Mr Wright.
    And you defend him. When you have no other valid argument to support Obama, just fall back on the old “if you disagree with him you must be racist.”

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