Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor Injured At Airport

supct.jpgSupreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor fractured her ankle in a stumble at an airport Monday. The judge was en route to Capitol Hill from New York’s LaGuardia Airport for further meetings with senators.

Sotomayor started one-on-one visits with senators last week. At the end of last week, she had met with more than one-quarter of the Senate, and all but a few members of the Judiciary Committee.

Sotomayor, who would replace Souter on the court if confirmed, first got a call from White House Counsel Gregory Craig on April 27, then had near-daily contact with his office after Souter announced his retirement May 1.

If confirmed, Sotomayor, 54, would be the first Hispanic and the third woman to serve on the court.

(Source: CBS News)

9 Responses

  1. Headline: “Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor Injured At Airport”

    The article contains one sentence with regard to the injury.

    The headline should read, ” Supreme court nominee press on in attempt to gaine supreme court seat.”

  2. #3, in spite of his name and the fact that he was raised as an episcopalian in Arizona (where his father served in the Army), Fiorello LaGuardia’s mother was Jewish and he spoke good Yiddish.

  3. keep the comments rolling. i didn’t know that there is a mitzvah to poke fun of another’s misery, but i probably just missed a halach yomis.

  4. “If confirmed, Sotomayor, 54, would be the first Hispanic”
    This is not true. Benjamin N. Coardozo, a Sephardic Jew (Spanish Portuguese) was the first Hispanic to serve on the court.

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