Postal Service Downsizing May Affect NYC Branches

usps.jpgDespite indications that the recession is loosening its grip, economic pressure is taking its toll on the US Postal Service, particularly on operations here in New York City.

Smaller. Leaner. More Efficient.

They’re popular buzzwords that may no longer apply to the new General Motors, but the US Postal Service’s soon-to-be downsized operations in New York City.

Last month, tough economic times forced a reduction in window customer service hours. Soon, there will be fewer post offices open for business.

While a postal service spokesperson disputed a reported 20 post offices closing by the end of the summer, she did – without offering a timeline – acknowledge that there will be some post office closures.

“Because of the drastic decline in mail volume, we are now looking at everything – everything is on the table, we’re looking to cut costs wherever we can,” spokeswoman Darleen Reid said. “But we’re also looking to improve efficiency, while still maintaining retail access to our customers.”

Adding to the USPS troubles, officials recently reported that the agency will likely face a cash shortfall of more than $1.5 billion by the end of its fiscal year.

(Source: WCBSTV)

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