Vehicle Repeatedly Ticketed in Queens with Dead Body Inside

dm.jpgThe daughter of a man whose badly decomposed body was found inside a minivan said Thursday traffic cops should have noticed her father over the several weeks they covered the vehicle in parking tickets.

“He was my only family,” said Jennifer Morales, 29, about her father, whom she believes died from a heart attack while sitting in the family’s 2000 Chevrolet Ventura in Queens.

“The window was cracked open. I don’t understand how no one noticed him. They just gave him tickets,” she told the Daily News last night.

Although sources said 59-year-old George Morales was homeless, his daughter said the diabetic handyman lived with her and her two kids in Washington Heights.

Jennifer Morales said she had last heard from her dad in early May. She said she contacted police, but cops had no record of a report.

A city marshal found the elder Morales Wednesday morning, while trying to tow the minivan parked on 34th Ave. under the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway overpass.

Parking tickets and dust covered the vehicle.

Cops called Jennifer Morales hours after the 6:45 a.m. discovery with the sad news.

“In the autopsy, they said they just found skeletal remains, no organs, only his heart,” she said.

The Morales family plans to cremate him once officials positively identify the remains using X-rays taken of Morales in 2007 at Elmhurst Hospital Center.

(Source: NY Daily News)

5 Responses

  1. If the car was registered in the fathers name than he will have to pay the tickets. A decomposed body does not appear on the list of reasons the PVB has, to get a ticket dismissed.

  2. #2-usually a body doesnt just go unnoticed!!if anything the police should pay him for being so negligent.they didnt do their job!!
    and anyhow,how can he pay if hes dead,an he was homeless!!

  3. What kind of “daughter” is this? Her father is missing for weeks – and she didn’t even notice?! Now she claims she did once file a police report (which there is no record of). Shame on her – it’s all her fault!

  4. this story makes no sense for the reasons mentioned above plus the fact that the autopsy showed no organs only a heart, come on, who took the rest of the organs, where did they disappear to?

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