Swine Flu Case Confirmed in Lakewood

lkwd.jpgThe APP reports: A student in the private school system has been diagnosed with swine flu, Lakewood Police Chief Robert Lawson confirmed to the Asbury Park Press today.

Lawson said he was told two days ago by a school administrator that a student was diagnosed after going to a doctor last week with flu-like symptoms. The name of the student and his school were not released and administrators for the Orthodox Jewish private schools could not be immediately reached.

Lawson said he is setting up a meeting between school administrators and the Ocean County Health Department to discuss ways to prevent the flu’s spread and when, if necessary, to close a school. The chief said is aware of only one case and that no schools have been closed so far.

“We’re trying to avoid panic in the community,” Lawson said. “From what I’ve learned, it’s not any more pernicious than the regular flu.”

Donna Leusner, spokeswoman for the state’s Department of Health and Human Services, said the state lab is the only place that can confirm a case of swine flu, also known as H1N1 influenza. As of this afternoon, the number of confirmed cases in Ocean County has not risen from the two reported several days ago, Leusner said. A total of 125 cases have been confirmed statewide, with another 23 listed as probable.

(Source: APP.com)

3 Responses

  1. No need to reveal the name, yet what is the big secret about the school. You do NOT turn into a swine with this flu…

  2. Why is everybody making a big deal about this it is a reguler flu take the right meds and you will be just fine

  3. 30,000 people in the usa die every year from the regular flu. this flu is no worse. there is no talk of closing school by the regular flu, so why panic? this flu is hyped up by the media, thats the difference.

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