President Obama: America is One of the Largest Muslim Countries in the World

obb.jpgSpeaking to the French Le Figaro media agency, US President Barak Obama on his European stopover en route to Saudi Arabia gave an interview, during which he is quoted as saying “America is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world”.

The US leader added that the United States and the Western countries must become better acquainted with Islam, adding the opinion of American Muslims is not the issue, but the fact that they are building and leaving behind a legacy. They are not those who destroy. I think that today, there is a growing conflict between those favoring a modern lifestyle and those who feel a Muslim life does not go hand-in-hand with modernity and Western culture.

Egyptian media is reporting that the American president is seeking to lay the groundwork, to soften the Muslim world ahead of his Cairo address. The Arab media in general is making the presidents upcoming visit a major media item.

A senior Egyptian journalist quoted anonymously in the daily Yisrael HaYom states, “he presently enjoys the support of the American Jewish lobby but if he continues on his current political path, they will pressure him to halt his policies”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

29 Responses

  1. The largest muslim country? Does George Washington know that? Is that what his teleprompter said? I doubt it but it just shows again how lost he is when he isn’t reading from a prepared text. And this is the “greatest orator” of all the presidents?

  2. Obama is being naive and foolish. Arabs are not bees that can be had with more honey. Arabs already know that arabs who are Israelis citizens have a better quality of life and higher per capita income than arabs in all other arab countries combined; and the good will factor from arabs for that is zero. Arabs see the wetness behind Obamas’ ears as creating a wedge between the US and Israel. That is their only interest in entertaining Obama.

  3. Sorry but he is off his rocker! It’s pretty obvious what he stands for! And everyone’s pretty well “acquainted with Islam” – too acquainted, in fact! Has he missed that? “…there is a growing conflict between those favoring a modern lifestyle and those who feel a Muslim life does not go hand-in-hand with modernity and Western culture.” Nice story but it’s just a totally irrelevant dumb excuse! Has nothing to do with modern lifestyle!

  4. veryinteresting,

    I am glad you are finally coming around, and renouncing the errors of your pre-election views.

  5. #6, I am sad to say you are mistaken. I did not cast my vote for Obama OR McCain. I would not vote for any candidate that wants a two state “solution” in the Middle East. We had not real choices. I still believe McCain would have been a TOTAL zero, as he is as a Senator, and he, too, wants a two state solution. Mid-East-wise, Obama is making big mistakes; economy-wise, he was the only choice. Slim pickens to say the least. Since some people can’t think outside the box and have to echo party platforms, I may confuse you. I prefer situational politics. Remember, any candidate one opposes will do something to make anyone point and say, “I told you so.” That is irrelevant.

  6. As is also being reported now by ABC & others , Obama’s father , who during the campaign they said was a agnostic , now are saying that he is a muslim . Also his grandmother who supposedly is a christian , is reportedly going to the Haj in Saudia Arabia this year . Is it possible that the American people were lied to during the campaign by a politician ?

  7. very interesting,

    hope you are happy with your economy now. if u happen to be looking for it, keep your eyes in the toilet because that’s where it is & that’s in the direction it will continue to be until we get tax cuts & MUCH less govt spending.

    Can’t wait for 2010 & 2012!!!

  8. The US is indeed the largest country with a Muslim President; maybe that’s what he meant.

    Actually, the largest Muslim country in the world now is the European Union.


    Sigh. I hope you are merely engaging in hyperbole. I am no fan of Obama, BUT

    1) He is not an “idiot;” he happens to be quite bright and well educated

    2) I do not believe that he “hates” Israel, and

    3) He certainly has committed no impeachable offense. People who yell “Impeach! Impeach!” because they disagree with a president’s policies need a lesson in U.S. Constitutional law.

    4) The Ribbono Shel Olam controls every aspect of human history. As Jews with emunas Hashem, we know that there are NO accidents or coincidences in history. On previous threads people have commented that Obama’s rise from near obscurity to the presidency in so short a time is clearly b’yad Hashem. What G-d’s purpose is in giving us Obama now is as yet unclear, but we do have emunah and bitachon that it is the best thing for Jews and Eretz Yisrael at this time in history, when the geula is imminent.

    So…calm down and don’t sweat it. Gam zu l’tova.

  10. The Torah commands us to be ” Noheg Kavod Lamalchus” so me must speak with respect. Still I’m afraid “az ehr is a bissel mishuge gevoren”

  11. “It must be understood,” Machiavelli avers, “that a prince … cannot observe all of those virtues for which men are reputed good, because it is often necessary to act against mercy, against faith, against humanity, against frankness, against religion, in order to preserve the state.”

    With just a little imagination, readers can discern parallels between a 16th-century principality and a 20th-century presidency.

  12. lenco, i know the ribono shel olam runs the world, but it’s ok to voice our horrors and dismay over what’s happening to our “goledene medina”!! Hashem runs the world for good and for bad, after all he ran the world during WWII too!!!

    also, if the media would treat obama the way they treated bush, they themselves would’ve called for and impeachment, set up an independant council, over the scandal in which he took away shareholders stocks and took over the company!!! The constitution doesn’t protect the president from fraud!!!

    lastly, he’s running a major ponzi scheme, it puts all others to shame, all with our money!!!

    so before you suggest others get lessons in constitutional law, i think should broaden your knowledge and think bigger!!!

  13. benuri:
    Im sorry but i believe that chazal would change their statement about “noheg cavod lmalchus” if they saw Hussein!

  14. To “isha kshaira” (#18) who said: “if the media would treat Obama the way they treated Bush, they themselves would’ve called for an impeachment, set up an independent [sic] council over the scandal in which he took away shareholders stocks and took over the company!!! The constitution doesn’t protect the president from fraud!!!…So before you suggest others get lessons in constitutional law, I think [you] should broaden your knowledge and think bigger!!!

    Response: I don’t mean to pull rank when I say that I am an attorney and a teacher who has taught American history and law for many years. I mention it just to let you know that I may have a bit more expertise in this field than you do. (Or maybe not. I don’t know). But, from my vantage point (and IMHO) I have to take exception to your proposition that the president’s actions are impeachable offenses.

    The U.S. Constitution allows for impeachment (which by the way, is NOT removal from office but a vote by the House of Representatives to put the president on trial in the Senate for removal) for “high crimes and misdemeanors.” (The term “misdemeanor” does not mean the same as the modern term). As for example, in President Nixon’s case he was to be charged with “obstruction of justice” in the investigation of a felony. He resigned in order to avoid an almost certain vote for impeachment. Bill Clinton (who was impeached but acquitted after his Senate trial) was charged with committing perjury before a grand jury, a felony.

    That being said, the executive power of the president includes initiating financial policy. This is true WHETHER OR NOT YOU AGREE WITH HIS POLICY or not. If he has overstepped his legal authority in any way, then the remedy is a lawsuit in federal court with appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Even if the Supreme Court were to overrule the president’s actions as unconstitutional, this is NOT considered a “high crime” or “misdemeanor” in any constitutional sense. Do you see the difference between Nixon, Clinton and Obama? The former were accused of committing crimes. That Obama’s policies don’t sit well with you (calling it “fraud” doesn’t make it so) doesn’t make him a criminal.

    I understand your frustration with the president’s policies, but calling for his impeachment is off the mark. If you disagree… well that’s your right. But I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for an impeachment. It’s not going to happen because it’s constitutionally untenable.

  15. if the “king” himself mocks royalty, why should we the subjects respect it??? we would only mock ourselves then.

  16. #13, vry well put.

    #20, I highly doubt it. Obama is our president and we must respect him, even we disagree with every move he makes.

  17. lenco49 (#13),

    You are incorrect and the man IS an idiot! Just because one is “quite bright and well educated” with possibly a “hi IQ” doesnt mean he isnt a moron or a complete tipish and missing sechel! Anyone who deals with people would tell you they would rather deal with an “average” person than somone who is considered bright. Usually people who are “quite bright and well educated” are out of touch with reality – as is Osama Obama.

    If he was so “quite bright and well educated” why did he sit there and listen to the “WE HATE AMERICA” speeches in his cloist? Why did he say he didnt hear them if he sat there for over TWENTY YEARS?!?!?

    He dont sound too bright to me thats for sure!

  18. I wonder what he meant by “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” He could not hav meant sheer numbers, because the number of Muslims in the U.S. does not even put them in the top 20 countries. He also could not have meant by percentage of population, because they are a pretty tiny percentage.

  19. We should not be surprised about President Obama and/or any other leader of the gentile world. What we are expecting, loyalty? The gentile world are entitle to mingle the way they want. They are entitle to take care of their secular lives. My beloved people, please, we are the ones who should focus in rescue our dream and only home Eretz Israel. Let the gentile world decide what is better for them and let us make sure their views does not get imposed in our holly land (land partitions, Jerusalem, etc.). We should Lobby for better Israel within ourselves as a real Jewish nation with our Jewish responsibilities; Recognize and live based in our everlasting covenant with the Almighty. We must refrain to worship Idols such as President Barak Hussein Obama. Our worries about the secular world is a waste of time, instead lest be real conscious Jews and frame the path of our only home therefore all of us in the diaspora can return soon and receive the Messiah!!

  20. 23,

    yes and no. BH we live in a m’dina where until Osama Obama stops it we are able to critisize the govt. That is how the country came to being and how we have continued till recently. Too bad there are a number of people out there who feel you cant ask questions of Obama for whatever reason v’hameyvin vovin what that reason is but that’s NOT the way its supposed to be. It used to be that what are now the State Run News Networks (CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC) would QUESTION or critique the administration but alas they are now in his back pocket.

    If we were living under a melech and even better a melech yehuda we could never say what we are saying because that would be morid b’malchus. Maybe we have to start practicing for that???

  21. To Mark Levin:

    I’m sorry, but as an educator I am makpid on the accurate use of language. Without linguistic integrity human beings have very little going for them. So, choose any dictionary you like; here’s an example:


    1. an utterly foolish or senseless person.

    [My comment: Obama is an incredibly skilled politician who engineered his own rise from obscurity to the presidency in a remarkably short period of time. This takes a great deal of smarts and savvy. A ‘foolish’ or ‘senseless’ person is not capable of such a feat. He might have done some foolish things in his lifetime (haven’t we all?) But ‘utterly’ foolish and senseless? Sorry, doesn’t apply].

    2. Psychology. a person of the lowest order in a former classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25.

    [No comment necessary]

    “Idiot,” “moron,” “out of touch with reality.” Mark, I cannot help but view your epithets as deriving more from your emotions than from linguistic accuracy. But this has been true in politics throughout history. We don’t like an adversary’s policies so we rail at him with invectives. It’s par for the course.

  22. To mamashtakah (#25): Thank you, thank you, thank you. Finally a logical questions addressed to what Obama actually said: “ONE OF [not THE] largest Muslim countries in the world.”

    You are absolutely correct that the U.S. ranks pretty low on the list, in both absolute numbers of Muslims living here and their percentage of the population.

    My take on Obama’s comment was that he was resorting to hyperbole for politic effect. Notice what the article further says: “Egyptian media is reporting that the American president is seeking to lay the groundwork, to soften the Muslim world ahead of his Cairo address.” You know how it goes: “Some of my best friends are Muslim. See, this proves how much I like you.” Only Obama was saying it on a national scale.

    To Amirzionist (#26): Well said. Spoken like the ba’al bitachon and ba’al emunah that we should all be.

  23. #11, I think you have a problem with understanding something called a Time Line. The destruction of the economy was created during the last eight years under Bush/Cheney. Obama is the EMT worker voted in to resuscitate America. Like I said, you have to get YOUR head out of the toilet water if you are thinking had YOU won the election that you would find the economy you inherited from Bush, an exemplary one. Please try to be nice. No reason to be nasty since all you do is parrot Limbaugh and Hannity, anyway. If you had original ideas confronted, I could see you getting unnerved.

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